Today we’d like to introduce you to Marie Allen.
Hi Marie, so excited to have you on the platform. So before we get into questions about your work-life, maybe you can bring our readers up to speed on your story and how you got to where you are today?
I left Corporate America when I had our boys to be a stay-at-home mom. Now that our boys are 21 and 18, most of my time was/is spent networking to grow the twins, Auburn and Georgia’s brand. (I did lose Georgia, Dec. 2021 which was DEVASTATING!). Our newest addition is named GG for Georgia’s Gift.
I am pretty driven and when I have an idea, I usually run with it. I think I am and have been told I am very creative.
I’m most proud of the young men our boys are becoming. I’m most excited about growing my bulldog’s brand awareness.
I would like to say it was through a lot of hard work mixed in with failures and successes but honestly, it was an opportunity that just fell in my lap. A lucky break.
I have learned so much about the film industry. More than I ever could have imagined. Just for one simple scene, they could do 10 takes. I remember one night when we were on set, they worked on one particular scene for about six or seven hours.
It blows my mind to think about being at my boy’s sporting events years ago with the twins drawing attention to now them being in HBO Max’s The Staircase. If anyone would have ever told me that I/they would be in the film industry in any capacity, I’m not sure I would have believed it.
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
I don’t think anyone’s life or accomplishments are smooth. I would find it hard to believe if someone said it was. First, you must stumble before you walk. You must walk before you run. And you must run before you sprint. You don’t perfect your craft without trial and error no matter what your craft is. I think it comes more naturally for some rather than others. You have to apply yourself to explore what “you’re good at”.
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
What sets me apart from others is I am a people person. Animated, funny, creative. I can talk to anyone, about anything, or at least I’ll try. People tell me all the time I need my own show. Not sure why. They clearly see something more in me than I see in myself.
Where do you see things going in the next 5-10 years?
With the film industry booming in Atlanta, I fully expect for my dogs to have more opportunities. They do commercials, print work, the whole nine. Anything humans can do, my dogs can do! In the meantime, you can catch their cute personalities, Boujee style, and funny antics in their Instagram Reels at 2boujeebulldogs
Contact Info:
- Instagram: 2boujeebulldogs
- Facebook: 2boujeebulldogs