Today we’d like to introduce you to Natasha Nathan.
Hi Natasha, we’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
I’m Natasha, a psychic medium & spiritual being (they/them) who’s decided to fully embrace the path I’ve felt calling from within. I am a student doula, interested in working with the LGBTQIA+ community, the youth, as well as those whom have experienced the loss of a child. I am an artist, experienced in collage and digital arts and creation. I am a budding poet, just getting my feet wet in the arena. And mostly, I’m a nature nerd – I love to be with the plants & animals, as there’s always something to learn from the natural world. I truly enjoy sharing my journey while serving as a vessel and guide for Spirit.
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey have been a fairly smooth road?
For the most part yes, but it’s had its fair share of potholes along the way. The struggle to make ends meet from my creative pursuits alone is probably one that hits the hardest. The inner healing that’s come with the journey has been difficult as well. All in all, there’s always a wave motion to it. Periods of highs and the realities of the human experience…
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I am a psychic medium, so I specialize in communicating within the realms beyond the physical. I offer readings and relay the messages of the deceased to those who need to receive. I also offer rituals for individuals and the community. These offerings & physical products are housed in Buttafly Botanica, my online shop. The most recent title I’ve been given is Shaman, and I’m still learning to step into that role & all it requires. You can see this embodied through our community healing events, Goddess Gatherings. Here, we set and open up the space for vulnerability in sharing how life has been. There’s a heavy spiritual and ancestral oomph behind everything I do and this is what sets me apart.
During gatherings, I’ve watched my shyest friend come out of her body and sway to the drumming of our peers. I’ve witnessed strangers share their most vulnerable and “wounded” selves while members of the community stepped in to assist in moving the energy to a purer form. Collectively, we’ve offered gifts back to the land & our ancestors. These are a few of the things I’m most proud of! Healing the community & land has always been the goal instilled within me, so I’m beyond grateful to see it manifest in my reality.
I’m also an artist. Collage art is my preference – mixing all types of mediums and print. Some of my digital work can be found online @thespotindawoods. Recently, others & I have been working to bring forth Wholistic Expressions – an open mic space where others can set their intentions & express in a safe space. (@wholistic_expressions)
If you had to, what characteristic of yours would you give the most credit to?
The ability to connect with all walks of life. I’m learning that this path is laced with all types of energies and people and it’s necessary to know how to meet people where they are.
- Handcrafted Smudge Bundles $15.55
- Life’s Journey Bone Throw $33.30
- Spiritual Advisement $66.66
- Clarity Headwash $13.33
- KUT Ritual $111
Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.etsy.com/shop/ButtaflyBotanica
- Instagram: https://instagram.com/thecosmicraye?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
- Youtube: https://youtube.com/@hausofnomads2812
- Other: https://msha.ke/buttaflybotanica/?fbclid=PAAaY-sj31XRC-7XF8Tximb53Sp4Wz6ik2-k92i3Nl_Fkas7-QnjOapxRSxV0#about-1
Image Credits
Alisha TheeAlchemist (Fb) (1st photo of me + 4th photo of guest at the first Goddess Gathering)