Today we’d like to introduce you to Lauren-Tyler.
Hi Lauren Tyler, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers?
Well, I fell in love with music when I was a child. My parents played music every day and introduced us to 60s, 70s & 80s music. I grew up in a very musical household where everyone played some type of instrument, whether it was the trumpet, piano or guitar. My parents also made sure we were heavily involved in the church and that we used our gifts for God. By the age of ten I loved writing music and my love for the performing arts emerged at the West End Performing Arts Center during a summer camp.
I began rapping in middle school but didn’t merge my rap lyrics with singing and other styles I made until I heard B.o.B years later in high school. His style, message and way he intertwined multiple genres was unlike anything I’d ever heard before. I never thought I could merge genres at the time so my separate composition books (one for singing, the other for rapping) became one and I was impacted like never before. I made cover videos on YouTube my sophomore year and focused heavily on original music Junior year. I began producing (La’T Productions – A combination of my first and middle name Lauren Tyler) and released my first mix-tape “Lauren-Tyler Presents: La’T In That Otha Land” my Senior year at Druid Hills High School (2013). I performed at talent shows and open mics around Atlanta but I didn’t have management and knew little about copyrights, marketing, distribution, and the Music Business.
Since then I’ve written, recorded & produced several projects, Mixtapes, EPs and Singles under my pseudonym Lauren-Tyler a.k.a La’T as well as LoTyler, which came about in 2017. I’m honestly still discovering who I am, not only as an Artist but as a Woman and child of God. I’m blessed to do what I love and still find peace in creating & performing my art for people. I later began Hosting & DJ’ing in 2018 while attending Fort Valley State University. Big shoutout to the Wildcats & Campus Radio Station; Power Jams 96.9!
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
It certainly has not been smooth sailing. The waters have gotten rough and even pulled me into uncharted territories before. A constant struggle has been staying true to myself, keeping my morals intact, and not allowing people to change who I am. I’m in an industry and world that loves to tell you who YOU are and who you “should be” all for the sake of profit or other worldly matters. I unfortunately heard it and saw it every day, especially through the media, and it was difficult to combat. I learned early on that I must listen to God and simply ignore what most people say. If it’s negative and full of their own limiting beliefs, I politely decline their two cents. No, thank you. Simply being a girl/woman took a hefty toll. I was urged by others to rap about sexual things in my late teens and early twenties. That I needed to show more skin, wear less clothes, wear tighter clothes, be “sexy” because “sex sells”… That begins to shift my perception of myself. Questions of whether I was beautiful or not became problematic, and I began doubting the gifts & talents that God gave me. Am I not good enough? Because if I was “good enough” why would they try to change me?
Not knowing the problem wasn’t Me; it was the system and the way they portray women, black women especially. I faced a lot of rejection because I wouldn’t conform to that agenda. Nor would I rap about ignorant, demeaning things.
Some struggles also came from not knowing the Music Business. I’ve been scammed a few times and came close to signing some bad contracts in the past. Looking back, I’m amazed at what I avoided, and I see now that God had his hand in everything I did and didn’t do. I began reading as many books as I could and researching the Business side of Music shortly after graduating high school.
We’ve been impressed with Neruali Arts & Entertainment, but for folks who might not be as familiar, what can you share with them about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
I created my first business in 2020; Neruali Arts & Entertainment. After I began producing in high school, I envisioned having my own record label full of artists, producers, and DJs. As well as a place for the visual Arts since I loved drawing and painting, and the performing arts, acting & dancing. This company is still in its development stage and currently offers DJ Services, Music Production & Engineering Services.
Is there any advice you’d like to share with our readers who might just be starting out?
Always be true to who you are and stand for what’s right. People may try to change you, puppetize you, speak for you, and mold you into an image they created. That’s not how any true artist nor person should live their life. Don’t be afraid to speak up for yourself because others don’t control you or your voice. You’re in control of yourself, your sound & style. Along with what you say and what you do. Don’t allow rejection and No’s convince you that you’re “not good enough”, because we all have room to grow. Even the “best of the best” do, so aspire to be YOUR best self. Embrace who you are and where you are on your journey, learn as much as you can, not just about your craft but about yourself as well. Be bold enough to create with no limitations because you never know who you may inspire. The generations to come need your voice & uplifting message. Keep God first, put him in everything you do, and seek him everywhere you go.
Contact Info:
- Instagram: https://www.
instagram.com/IAmLaurenTyler - Twitter: https://www.twitter.
com/IAmLaurenTyler - SoundCloud:https://
soundcloud.com/iamlaurentyler - YouTube: https://www.youtube.
com/@IAmLaurenTyler - LinkedIn: https://www.
linkedin.com/in/ iamlaurentyler/
Image Credits
– Connie Cross Group – Kamerin Stroud