Today we’re excited to be connecting with Aaron Allen again. We’re excited to feature one of their products in our gift guide – learn more below and we encourage you to use your gift budget to support small businesses & creatives whenever possible.
Aaron, thanks for joining us again. We’re so excited to have a product focused conversation today. Can you bring our readers up to speed on the product side?
“Poetic Justice” is a book of poetry that is a great gifts, affordable and loved by all gift recipients. In 2023, last November I was at the Black Film Festival Atlanta and selling this book as it was first released just last year and a few people wanted gifts for the family members who loved to read and more specifically loved to read poetry. So. that is an example of a good Holiday gift to give any reader or anyone one else for that matter as my poetry books have become good gifts for the holidays. the inspiration for this book was to write a collection of poetry between myself and another poet author as we both felt we needed to write poetry on the topic of justice ad the feeling of speaking out on things that bothered us. the genre of poetry books has long been ignored even with a few NYT bestselling collections but these best selling collections lacked people involvement as most reviewed the best selling books as not good poetry or good reads at all which sometimes happens even “Best selling books” due to the fact that allot of awards and title and even book stocking at bookstore is paid for by the publishers forcing people to buy an look at the only mainstream books. but “poetic Justice” has reviews that are good and people have liked my book since its release last year. The difference between us and them is that I am a well studied and practice poet who delves into the craft more than the hype, giving the readers a true sense of real poetry coming from my real my mind and heart along with the writings of my Co author who is a Australian poet name “Poetic Mumma”.
Who is this product for and who is it probably not a good fit for?
This Product is for everyone. I feel we all like to read poetry at some point in life and all Avid book readers love reading collections of poetry. even authors love reading and discussing poetry. I speak with all kinds of people all he time and I always get into long conversations about poetry and most say they like or read poetry often or are getting into.
If you had to boil your product or brand down to one core message – what would that message be?
The one core message from my brand or books I write, is to continue to create and sell no matter the issues around it because I have had all kinds of problems but my books and business is still out and about selling books and making great connections to sell more and truly help those who want to be apart of the creative writing world, whether their books are poetry, fiction o non fiction.
What’s next on the product or brand roadmap?
The two next product is my debut novel and one more collection of poetry releasing next year in 2025. then from there the roadmap for us entails a few films and other authors and poets being released with their next book under new life publishing brand. Lastly. Just to re iterate, New Life works with film and books collectively and will be also casting for a film in 2025 and Aaron Allen will also be featured in the two long awaited film tentatively scheduled to come out in 2025. be on the lookout for all. Thank you for your support in advance.
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