Every day we have a choice. We can support an up and coming podcaster, try a new family-run restaurant, join a boutique gym started by a local fitness champ or we could keep giving away our money to the handful of giants who already control so much of our commerce. Our daily decisions impact the kind world we live in; if we want a world where small businesses are growing and artists and creatives are thriving then we should support them with our time, money and attention. We’re proud to highlight inspiring creatives and entrepreneurs each week in Hidden Gems series. Check out some gems from Marietta & the surrounding areas.
Shakina Garnes

I am from Brooklyn NY, lost my mother at 18 to cancer, and have always felt this urge and pressure to help. If you know anything about NY, it’s a hustle and I am from the hood of Brownsville, so it was even more riding on me. I wanted MORE and did not want to be judged, I was conflicted about living my life and being there for my family especially after my mom died. (Mom, had 4 of us but I’m the oldest of them 7). Thank God, I made it to college, not away like I wanted but made it. Read More>>
Vanessa Riley

The daughter grew up to be an engineer but faithfully wrote every spare minute. I am very proud to say that I am now a full-time writer and enjoy delivering stories steeped in the rich history of the intersection of the West Indies and Europe. Read More>>
Kimberly Seheult

I am originally from Trinidad and Tobago. I came to the United States for University in 1998. After many years of school and working in a variety of mental health settings from the community to the criminal justice system, and private, I found joy in serving families in the community where we settled to raise our kids here in East Cobb, Marietta. Read More>>
Boozer McClure

Beginning Spring of 2024 we (my wife Julianne and I) will be introducing women’s wear to the Square Threads collections. This will be different from the other women’s shops on the Square. It will be along the same price points as the men’s wear. So “better” women’s clothing. Read More>>
Jason Lancour

I don’t want to suggest that if you aren’t immediately good at something, then you should quit – quite the contrary, mastering any skill takes time and hard work. However, I do recommend that before you spend the time doing anything, know why you are doing it. I took a class in film production and immediately realized that the thing I liked about illustration was the storytelling aspect. I liked how a single image can suggest so much. Read More>>
Robert Foster

I then spent several years freelancing around town for agencies and party companies. At this point, it was time for a steadier income and schedule when I got married in 2003, Having spent my college summers as a camp counselor and later served as a substitute teacher I decided to become a public school art teacher for Fulton County Schools. Read More>>
Bianca Hampton

Right now, I am a state-certified Phlebotomist. I am very proud of the accomplishments that I’ve made. I’m hoping to gain more experience and create a further career with that. I also have an upcoming hair-selling business as well called Tiba Hair. Selling wigs, bundles, & closures. I really put time and thought into my creations. Read More>>
Mohammad Ibrahim

So I was born in Kerkuk, Iraq in 1995. In 1996, my family and I fled to Istanbul Turkey as refugees. We lived there for 2 years before moving to America as a political asylum. When we came to America, I was the only Middle Eastern kid in the school system of a small town in Georgia. Growing up in a rural country town as a chubby brown kid in a post-9/11 world had its issues. This led me to get into martial arts as a young boy. Read More>>
Jessie Feigert

I started buying clearance gift sets from Sephora’s “After Christmas” sales, breaking the pieces up and selling them individually for a profit. I have a background in cosmetics, so I was familiar with the items. From there, I slowly built up a solid eBay store with over 1,000 items, focusing on vintage clothing, toys, and collectibles. Violet’s Vanity is named after my daughter, Violet Mariah. Read More>>
Hayley Bookhammer

It started as taking photographs of my friends and family and very quickly turned into a career for me. This has been the most fun and rewarding “job” I have ever had. I am so blessed and thankful for all of my clients who put their trust in me to help preserve all of their precious memories. Read More>>
Camille Wright Felton

I started out shooting mainly landscapes, urban and natural. I got guidance on that from members of Sistagraphy, a collective of Black women photographers based in Atlanta. I added portraits after getting feedback on a few personal portraits I did from a juror during an Atlanta Celebrates Photography portfolio review. Read More>>
Toni Tovi

I started in private equity, operated several companies within the FedEx ecosystem, and then divested of those and started my own recruiting company, Bright Flag Recruiting, in 2018. What started as a one-woman firm now employs over 40 people. Read More>>
Gabriela Orlandi Fernandes

In 2016, I graduated in Architecture and started to work at house development and art installation layouts. After two years, I was still feeling unfulfilled at my job. Read More>>
Royal T.

In 2022, Nacho Mama Nacho’s, a unique and vibrant restaurant, emerged under the visionary leadership of CEO Royal T. The establishment was born out of Royal T’s childhood memories of growing up in Chicago, where corner stores, gas stations, and candy shops scattered throughout the neighborhood served up mouthwatering nachos. Read More>>