Today we’d like to introduce you to Jasmine Smith.
Hi Jasmine, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers?
I started servicing people during the pandemic. To be honest, my business formed going through a state of depression. It caused me to isolate myself from the world and others for a while. It caused me to turn inward and learn things about myself and what I liked and it also helped me study very hard and learn things that would help others. I stepped out of that phase of depression into a new woman!
I decided to take my business serious when the pandemic Put a hold on the world it was causing appointments to be pushed later into the year, And people couldn’t wait that long they had places to go and people to see and wanted to do that with confidence & comfort! I gain my clientele from Marketing services on social media and clients who share similar problems they simply refer me to their friends and family and it continues to grow from there they are much appreciated!
Everyone doesn’t have insurance or a huge amount of money to pay for dental work so they come to me for services until they can get there! I’m very affordable I feel everyone deserves to smile.
We are still fairly new we’re about a year and one month old with many years to go, LOL but the journey has been amazing the testimonies from the clients are crazy and emotional I truly feel like I’m walking in my purpose by helping others feel confident and comfortable they have a whole new attitude ready to take on the world!
I learned When you smile, your brain releases tiny molecules called neuropeptides to help fight off stress. It elevates your mood helps you live longer and a host of other great things and it’s contagious. Lol, to have a part of that in that person life is phenomenal it makes my soul feel good and my heart happy!
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
I can say the road has been pretty smooth from the beginning. I mean there are some bumps in the road but not strong enough to make me quit or lose track of my bigger goal.
Some of the struggles may be the financial impact that hits the community so appointments aren’t as consistent sometimes the schedule is all over the place like a lot of other businesses being that I’m self-employed, I have a different dedication to this business because It’s how I provide for my family so I travel To other states (GA, CA, TX, NY, PA, FL and more) to service out of state clients as well I’m growing in ways that I would have never imagined 😊 this business it’s not only helpful to others but it’s lucrative and teeth will be around for centuries so I plan to pass it down to my children and teach other family members what I do to keep it going!
We plan to open a new location in Dallas, Texas in May of this year 2022. I’m super excited!
Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know?
So my business offers permanent to temporary services that hold you over until you see your local dentist. I offer ⭐️cosmetic teeth whitening, I make ⭐️cosmetic dentures and partials for a missing tooth or multiple missing teeth. ⭐️Tooth gems to add glam to your smile, I make ⭐️cover caps those are put in place for severely broken teeth or rotten teeth it covers the blemish until you can get the proper service from your dentist. I also do other things that don’t involve teeth such as ⭐️lip fillers. To make your lips more fuller and plump with that service, we use a hyaluronic pen and Hyaluronic acid, we do ⭐️Lip blush it’s semi-permanent makeup you can neutralize the color of your lip pigmentation or you can go heavy giving a lipstick effect. We also do ⭐️anti-aging facials and⭐️ facial vacuuming and our service menu is still growing! Snazzy Jazzy Teeth also has its own line of products such as our take home⭐️ teeth whitening kit and bamboo vegan-friendly ⭐️toothbrushes with more to come!
I’m known as the tooth fairy, lol.
All services are painless; I correct your issues with a fast return!
I am proud because I truly feel I’m walking in my purpose and making a difference in this world for others! Because when they feel good, they project positivity into the world. Because they’re happy with themselves so they make others happy and that’s what this world needs
How do you think about luck?
I feel like I’ve had good luck and still have it because what I’m putting out I get back in return it’s law of attraction “You get what you put out”.
I’m caring and great to others so great returns to me 💫 I feel we create our own luck by the way we handle and treat people along with the things we do.
- $300 cosmetic side tooth and teeth whitening
- $700 for full upper or lower portion dentures
- $40-125 for Tooth gems / $225 Lip Fillers
- $80 Take home teeth whitening kit/$100-160 Teeth whitening sessions
- $70-125 anti aging facials / facial vacuuming
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