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Hidden Gems: Meet Nathaniel Bryan of Results Driven Fitness,LLC

Today we’d like to introduce you to Nathaniel Bryan

Hi Nathaniel , so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
Honestly, I got started because I fell in love with fitness and having the ability to help people. I used to work at a Youth Detention Center in recreation and we had a make shift bodybuilding gym. The youth there had to meet certain requirements for them to be able to come into the weight room after hours. So since I was already training myself the youth would ask me for tips and tricks to help them get stronger so I helped. Then some of my coworkers began to inquire about me helping them to lose weight and gaining muscle and my very first clients I helped them to lose 20 pounds each so they advised me that I should look to get my certification and become a personal trainer but I just brushed it off and just helped whoever wanted my help just because I really enjoyed teaching and helping those who were passionate about getting healthier. Some years passed by and I felt like I had outgrown the job but my passion for training people got stronger so I reached out to my BFAM (Brother From Another Mother) Robb Ritch to see if he knew of anyone hiring personal trainers so we were in communication for weeks if not longer until he found out the gym that I currently work at Onelife Fitness was hiring so did what I had to do and the rest is history.

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Hell no it hasn’t been a smooth road. Moving from a city where it was convenient, easy, and laid back to a city where I only knew Robb and his family was a big challenge. I believe the biggest obstacle for me was/is still the unknown. Not knowing where the money was going to come from, not knowing if I made the right choice in moving, not knowing if my personality would be the right fit for the area I was moving to. I was so scared that I almost last minute didn’t take the job and was looking to move back to SC to find a job there because it was familiar and safe but familiarity and content wouldn’t have allowed me to be apart of something great happening currently. Listening to God and knowing that what I prayed for would happen because I trust in his word. He told me that it would be fine and my Granny(RIP) and Momma told me to step out on faith and everything would be just fine and they were right.

We’ve been impressed with Results Driven Fitness,LLC , but for folks who might not be as familiar, what can you share with them about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
Well, my business is about hope, my business is about not giving up no matter what, and my business is about believing in yourself when not a lot of people may believe in you or your vision. My business is about being relentless in attaining your goals and doing the necessary work to keep on going to achieve more. My business is about helping others to be greater than themselves, to help them to believe that if I set my mind on something….it WILL get down…no matter what may come my way OUR goals WILL get done. No stopping in the middle…We stop when the goal is achieved.

I am a personal trainer, small business owner, and black man trying to be the very best at whatever he puts his mind to do. I specialize in helping people lose weight, get stronger, get healthier, and gain confidence in themselves. I think that I’m known for RESULTS…I’m known for making NO EXCUSES and getting sh*t done. I’m known for hard training sessions and believing in my clients to get better every day that they see me. What sets me apart from others is that I’m NOT trying to be like the OTHERS. I’m not huge on social media, I’m not “Outside”, I’m not collaborating with anyone just to ride anyone’s coattails…I’m going to make my own name…ride my own wave.

I’m most proud brand-wise of how I haven’t folded when people don’t buy any of my merch or when many don’t want to train with me because they heard things about me…welp whatever you heard is true times 10 lol but seriously I’m proud of the people that do train with me, those who have bought merch from me or people who just believe in the movement haven’t given up on me because they know that I’m authentic and know that I have their best interests at heart.

I want your readers to know that my brand isn’t fake, this brand is built from love, hard work, prayers, and the belief that I’m here to do God’s work. RDF isn’t just about fitness… it’s about pushing past the negative energy and knowing that I am able to achieve anything if I’m true to myself and true to my “WHY”. I offer scientific-based training to help people to achieve their fitness goals in a healthy but efficient way. Will it be hard…HELL YEAH but will it be worth it…HELL YEAH.

What sort of changes are you expecting over the next 5-10 years?
I see me opening my very own successful gym that specializes in fitness, bodybuilding, sports specific training from middle school to college athletes and celebrities. In 5-10 years RDF will be a name that everyone knows is solid…no BS or filters…just a brand that is known for producing nothing but great RESULTS and helping people to be better than themselves and helping those around them to be better also….IRON SHARPENS IRON. I’m working to be the very best at what I do.

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