Today we’d like to introduce you to Adela Iturregui.
Adela, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
Thank you so much for inviting me to share my story, which starts in Puerto Rico, where I was born. I graduated high school with honors and was accepted into the University of Puerto Rico where I planned to graduate as a Chemical Engineer! Looking to stretch my wings and knowing I needed to learn more about myself, I moved to Massachusetts during my second year of college to attend the University of Massachusetts – from where I graduated Magna cum laude.
I loved Massachusetts and decided to follow my father’s footsteps in law, so I decided to stay there and attend Boston College Law School. When I graduated law school in 2002, I moved to Georgia to work for the Honorable John S. Dalis in the Southern District of Georgia.
A year later, in 2003, I moved to California, where my then-fiance lived, and I started working at a law firm. For about 8 years I handled complex bankruptcy cases and represented multiple Fortune 500 companies in business and employment matters. We got married and moved to Miami to be closer to my family so we could start building our own.
In 2009, I had my first daughter, Alex. That same year, my dad passed away out of the blue. His passing was my first personal experience with probate court and all that it entails. It was and continues to be a never-ending nightmare.
Fourteen years later, my dad’s probate is still in process! We’ve dealt with all the typical family strife and legal issues that occur when people pass away without a proper plan. This includes multiple lawsuits, business issues, IRS issues, and more. You name it, we’ve gone through it!
Those experiences led me to learn more about estate and business planning. My dad had a will, but it was old and outdated and did not keep us out of court or conflict. However, he had no plans for the business should anything happen to him, so we were all left struggling to figure it all out when he passed.
The more I learned about the importance of proper estate and legacy planning, the more determined I was to help my community avoid the same mistakes my father had made. That led me to create ABC Estate and Legacy Planning.
Named after my children, Alex (14), Benny (12), and Caroline (11), ABC Estate and Legacy Planning helps families and business owners create functional plans that keep their loved ones, business partners, and clientele out of court and out of conflict.
My children, the ABCs of my life, are the reason I do what I do. I want to make sure that they, and children like them, do not have to go through what I’ve gone through.
Protecting families and businesses can be complicated, but I am here to simplify that process for my clients. I will empower them with the knowledge they need to make the right choices for their particular situation—no matter what that looks like.
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
Well, the first struggle I faced was the language! Even though I grew up in Puerto Rico, and we learned English, I was very insecure and very hesitant to speak it! Sometimes we are our own biggest obstacle and, we just have to get out of our own way!
Another challenge that made me stronger was becoming a mother. I had three children back-to-back, and I homeschooled them until 2020! I took a step back from being a lawyer during those years, but my divorce in 2020 (after 21 years together), changed the entire dynamic of my life. It was the impetus that turned my obsession with estate and legacy planning into a business to help others.
As for building my own business and choosing to work and do what I love, I’d say it hasn’t been easy. It takes dedication, many hours of hard work, long nights, and sacrifices, but it’s all worth it! I am not “working for the man,” I’m doing what I am passionate about and loving every second of it.
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your business?
I am an attorney who specializes in estate planning, asset protection, business planning and succession, probate court matters, and general business contracts.
Most people don’t realize this, but we all have an estate and business plan—the state has already chosen it for us. Unfortunately, that plan is not always the best one for your family or business. Not only does it lead to confusion and family strife, but it also leads to litigation and hundreds of thousands of dollars fighting it in court.
One of my favorite quotes is by Benjamin Franklin: “Failing to plan is planning to fail.”
Wouldn’t you rather spend a few hundred dollars today to create a solid plan that protects your business and your family than to lose hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to protect it in court? You have worked so hard to build your legacy; don’t leave it up to the state and your loved ones to fight it out.
It’s very important to me that my clients are well-educated about the legal process and their choices. I am fully fluent in English and Spanish, so I can walk my clients through every step and help them choose the best options for their family, business needs, and budget.
I believe in protecting my clients, their families, and their legacies, and I am honored to do so every single day.
What matters most to you? Why?
My family matters most to me—they are my why. And every person who walks through my door becomes part of the ABC family.
As with family members, I strive to bring peace of mind to all of my clients. Peace of mind knowing that their family will be taken care of according to their wishes when they’re no longer able to do so. Peace of mind knowing that their businesses will be passed onto capable hands of their choosing.
I guide and empower my clients using a holistic approach to wealth and peace. I ensure that they have the legal know-how and the proper financial advice to make sound decisions. I work to make sure they have the appropriate contracts and plans in place, the right amount of insurance coverage, and are properly saving for their tax bills and the future.
I want to give my clients peace of mind knowing that their business will not cease to exist in the event of incapacity, death, or business divorce. Instead, it will continue to grow and thrive as a result of their careful planning.
I strive to help families and businesses protect their assets and everything they have worked so hard to earn. I tell them, “Let’s build it. Let’s grow it. Let’s leave a legacy.”
Life. Love. Legacy.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.abcestateplanning.com
- Instagram: @abcestateplanning
- Facebook: @abcestateplanning
- Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/adelaiturregui-jd-cepa
- Other: TikTok: @abcestateplanning