Today we’d like to introduce you to Demetria Gaillard.
Hi Demetria, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
Hi my name is Demetria Gaillard, I am a Real Estate Professional based out of Atlanta, Ga. Atlanta was not my original home. I moved to Atlanta from Mobile, Alabama back in ’07, after the passing of my father. Although tragedy brought me here, Atlanta has been such a blessing to me. Being from such a small town in Alabama, I would have never dreamed of the opportunities that Atlanta could bring. Atlanta is the Mecca for Black Excellence, Black wealth, and Black entrepreneurship. Things that may only seem like dreams elsewhere can become reality in Atlanta accompanied with hard work and alignment. After high school, I began my collegiate career at Albany State University. However, after my sophomore year, I felt led to leave Albany and move back to Atlanta. At that moment, my vision for my life seemed very blurry. I was uncertain of my next steps and if I was going in the right direction for the future. I changed my major three times and then decided to do a four day fast to pray and ask God for guidance and provision over my life. During this time, I wrote down every short-term and long-term goal. I jotted down “become a Realtor” under my long-term goal list, as soon as I did so, God said to me “why not now?”. I had no objection, except for the fact that I was only 20 years old. I felt as if no one would take me seriously being so young. However, after a lot of contemplating, and some much needed encouraging words from my number one supporter, my mama. I gained the confidence to go for it despite my reservations. My mother’s belief in me, gave me courage to take action on a dream, turning it into a tangible goal! That year on winter break from college, I took an accelerated two week Real Estate Course. I was in class for 8 hours each day. It was definitely information overload. So much so that older agents would try to motivate you by saying “no worries. It took me three times to pass my exam. However, I said oh no mam, that will not be my testimony! I studied even harder and pushed a little further. Hard work paid off as I passed both the class exam and state exam on the first attempt! Now was the hard part. Which is essentially finding my way on my own. My first year, I hit many many bumps in the road. It got to the point where I didn’t feel like a deal was really a deal unless it came with much stress and anxiety.
Fast forward to now, I’ve just turned 24 years old and I will be approaching my three years mark in Real Estate soon. I have recently finished college as well, obtaining my Bachelors in Interdisciplinary Studies from Georgia State University. If I may say, the journey was not easy. It took a lot of heartache, setbacks, and hardships to get here but the goal was in each step I took. Since I was a girl, my father has always told me “We finish what we start” and I continue to live by those words in everything that I do. I have sold millions in Real Estate. I have met hundreds of wonderful people and made wonderful connections because of Real Estate. I can honestly say I am living a fulfilled life and doing what I am supposed to be doing. I look forward to continuing to grow, blossom, and help others…this is only the beginning.
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey have been a fairly smooth road?
Absolutely not. Real Estate is a lot of figuring things out on the fly. Experience helps a lot with this. The first home I ever sold was actually my mother’s. Talk about putting our money where your mouth is! Learning about selling Real estate, and actually doing it- two completely different things. Similar to life, in Real Estate, you can not be content with not knowing an answer. Call people, look it up, take initiative ,figure it out. As confused as I was at times, I was determined to figure it out. I was able to sell her home, and she walked about with a nice check. This was the fuel I needed to start my fire. This journey has been far from smooth, but the road to success never is. I overcome obstacles every day in my field. It is a part of my job to do so. In this field, I am constantly interacting with many different people and personalities, you have to be intentional to not let burnout set in. It is critical to remember to take self-care time in a field where your job is to cater to other’s needs. I bear the burden to keep the burdens light for my clients. When I need to reignite my fire, I ask myself “How bad do you want it?” and I remind myself to remember my “why”. Those two things keep me moving forward, and above all else I LOVE what I do.
Thanks – so what else should our readers know about Sold By Demetria?
I am a Real Estate Professional, although I service any and everyone my true desire is to educate and assist minorities on the process of homeownership. I want us to know how attainable home ownership really is. Real Estate is the key to generational wealth and financial security. I am a firm believer that little brown children deserve inheritances and wealth passed down to them as well. Every generation shouldn’t have to “get it out the mud.” It’s okay to “pick it from the garden instead”. I educate and coach each of my clients through the entire home buying process and ensure a smooth and pleasurable transaction. Whether it’s a client looking to purchase for the first time or a client looking to place their current home on the market and upsize, I will work diligently and fiercely on their behalf.
What has been the most important lesson you’ve learned along your journey?
My biggest lesson I’ve learned through life and especially in Real Estate is how to persevere, increase my tenacity, and remain resilient. I have also learned quick recovery. After a setback, have a reset and move forward!
Contact Info:
- Email: Soldbydemetria@gmail.
com - Instagram: https://www.
instagram.com/soldbydemetria/ - Facebook: https://www.
facebook.com/demetria. gaillard/ - Youtube: https://www.youtube.
com/channel/UCsoIYeSA-yARfIjF- okQkfw