Today we’d like to introduce you to Lori Scott.
Hi Lori, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today?
Becoming a licensed marriage and family therapist happened mainly because I desired desperately to be a better individual and a better mother to my children.
I got married one year after I graduated from college. I was 23 and “didn’t know shit from Shinola” (a term my father used to define ignorance or foolishness). I was gullible, emotionally immature, and unpolished.
Ten years later, I was divorced. Just like that, I was a single mother of three children without a plan. I was embarrassed, ashamed, and in denial. I blamed my ex for everything. Well, because of course, it was all his fault (my thinking at that time). What I didn’t realize then was that neither one of us had an understanding of self-love or emotional regulation. My idea of marriage was not my ex’s idea of marriage. We were two misguided individuals trying to make a relationship work.
Fast forward 19 years later – I am a licensed marriage and family therapist as well as a certified relationship transformation coach who owns a boutique private practice. And, after years of relationship train wrecks, I married the love of my life this year. Between the two of us, we have five awesome adult children and three amazing grandchildren.
What I’ve learned along my wild and exciting journey is that we have all been hoodwinked about this “Happily Ever After” BS. We were misled to think that companionship would provide mutual openness, trust, and fulfillment.
The truth is each person has to bring openness, trust, and fulfillment to the relationship. The relationship doesn’t automatically have it. Marriage, commitment, partnership, companionship, or whatever you want to call it, is not a destination. It’s a journey – a journey of self-discovery.
My mission as a licensed therapist and transformation coach is to help individuals and couples become successful at loving and valuing themselves first before expecting it from their mate.
What I know for sure is when we love and value ourselves, we have a much better opportunity to attract others who also love and value themselves.
My approach to counseling and coaching is candid, challenging, solution-focused, and encouraging. I’ve combined years of education, life experiences, established expertise, and wisdom to offer an unforgettable transformative experience.
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
It has definitely not been a smooth road. I endured a divorce from hell; was fired from a few jobs; almost foreclosed on while in grad school and raising teenage children alone; worked for pennies at a subpar, state-funded counseling agency in order to become a licensed therapist experiencing all types of harassment; and relied upon government assistance.
Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know?
I run a boutique private practice where I assist individuals and couples in discovering the beauty and strengths within themselves.
I specialize in couples counseling and transformation coaching.
What sets me apart from others in my field is my approach to counseling and coaching. It’s solution-focused, and encouraging…but it’s also candid and challenging. I don’t hold back. In fact, I use profanity often in session.
I am most excited about my connection with the client. I work hard to be in tune with their experience. It’s a beautiful and delicate dance where I allow them to take the lead. By the end of our experience together, we’ve co-created a new and fulfilling path – one in which they are delighted to travel.
My brand is simple – I’ve combined years of education, life experiences, established expertise, and wisdom to offer an unforgettable, transformative experience. It is my pleasure to be a mouthpiece for the Greater Good.
What does success mean to you?
• Learning from life experiences and deciding to make the necessary changes without shame or judgment.)
• Sharing what you have without expectations.
- $300 – 1 hr couples session
- $450 – 90 min couples session
- $2,250 – 6 (90 min) couples sessions bundle (1 free session included)
- $200 – 1 hr ind session/$300 – 90 min ind session
- $1,500 – 6 (90 min) ind sessions bundle (1 free session included)
Contact Info:
- Website: moveforwardcc.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lorilifetherapy/
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lorilmft/