Today we’d like to introduce you to Veronica McGee
Hi Veronica, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers?
I am living the American Dream. This country has given me the opportunity to grow and prosper, to invent and reinvent myself and mostly, to dream. I was born in the foothills of the Carpathian mountains, in a small town called Gura Humorului and I had the most idyllic childhood one can think of–I grew up on an organic and biodynamic farm, drank raw milk daily and ate food exclusively grown on the farm and I was surrounded by the most loving of parents and grandparents. However, the times were hard all around us because we lived in a Communist country and although my environment was amazing, my health was not. We live in a time now where the benefits of pasture raised meat and raw milk are touted but for me these kind of foods were not beneficial. Actually, the principal of bioindividuality is at the base of my current practice: what works for one individual does not necessarily work for another and that is why one size fits all and one remedy does not work for everybody. It took me 20 years to realize that I was lactose intolerant and all the digestive issues and inflammatory responses I was experiencing were due to dairy. When I turned 13 years old, my father who was 43 got diagnosed with a brain tumor and was given less than six months not live. My idyllic life came to a halt and I had to grow up overnight. What followed was the most pivotal point and lesson of my life: ahead of his time in any shape and form my father went on a juice fast for three months and lived another 5 years cancer free. During that time he gave up meat as part of his healing. This was 1995. I followed suit and quit eating meat as well. As a result, in 2006 when I met my husband and later on transitioned with him on a plant based diet, the process was not very hard for me. My health problems started disappearing one by one and he lost 70lb that he kept off for the past 17 years. His ADHD symptoms went away when we transitioned to a gluten free diet and we both started enjoying a different kind of life: more healthy, more vibrant. These past 17 years have been full of learning and growing together: reading more than 50 health books every year, attending seminaries, book signings, and retreats. A few years ago I had decided to share some of that knowledge and passion with the world and pursued an Integrative Nutrition Course at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition thus becoming a Nutrition Counselor. This is how Twin Leaf Wellness was born. I am able to put to use my business skills and knowledge from Business School and my MBA program and I am having fun building this business and mostly helping others. My husband joined me a few months ago offering Sound Therapy sessions as music has always been his passion. Our practice is growing and we are reaching a tremendous number of people and that makes us happy. We offer Integrative Nutrition counseling services for weight-loss, sleep issues, digestive issues and blood sugar management together with a few workbooks that can be purchased and applied on their own. In conclusion, I am very grateful for my past and all the lessons and all the “lemonade” I created with them. Health On!
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
The biggest struggles along the way were my chilhood illnesses, my father’s cancer diagnosis when I was 13 years old and the fact that I grew up in a Communist country.
Thanks – so what else should our readers know about Twin Leaf Wellness?
My business offers Integrative Nutrition Services and Sound Therapy sessions. The field of Integrative Nutrition was attractive to me because in a world of specialized medicine where the body is treated in sections, this integrative view sees and approaces the body as a whole–as an entity. The two main principles of my practice are: 1 The Multidimensional Health and 2. Bio-individuality. While I think of nutrition a very important aspect, the food we put in our bodies is actually secondary food the primary food being what we listen to, who we spend our time with, where we vacation, etc. That is the aspect of the multidimensional health: an overall healthy outcome can be achieved only by addressing the creative life, the finances, sex life, spiritual life, sleep, meditation, etc. Health in is true form is never unidimensional. The second aspect of bio-individuality means that the truths that are valid for one person are not the same as for another person and not even for the same person at different times in his/her life. With all this in mind I ofer 6 month coaching or counseling programs where we dive deep into all these aspects of health, get to know eachother and grow together.
Are there any important lessons you’ve learned that you can share with us?
The most important lesson has been that my clients successes and failures are not mine. We are each responsible for our own becoming and for the effort we put in, I just join in for the ride. In the end, it is their work or lack thereof that pays off.
- $125/session
Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.twinleafwellness.com
- Instagram: https://instagram.com/twinleafwellness
- Facebook: https://facebook.com/twinleafwellness