Today we’d like to introduce you to Angela Medlin.
Hi Angela, we’re thrilled to have a chance to learn your story today. So, before we get into specifics, maybe you can briefly walk us through how you got to where you are today?
From an early age, art has always been a comfort zone for me. I attended my first art camp at the local university when I was in third grade and it had such an impact. Ten years later, I stepped into that same university as a student of fine art, a true full-circle moment. Along the way, digital cameras were starting to pop up and I was hooked! I was fortunate to get my first digital camera when I was in high school, it was a Sony (to this day, I still use Sony cameras). You could always find me with my camera, taking photos of anything and everything.
While I was in art school, a friend of mine asked if I wanted to shoot her wedding. While she knew I was a complete amateur, she was on a budget so it worked out for both of us. I charged her $500, worked for 12 hours straight, ran on coffee alone, and had multiple panic attacks with dying batteries and full memory cards. I even ripped my pants trying to stand up on a platform trying to get the perfect shot, it was chaotic, to say the least. Yet, I learned so much from that experience, and the flame was officially lit to pursue photography as my career. It hasn’t been easy, but in 2018 I officially opened my LLC and have been a CEO ever since.
I have a few publications that I’m very proud of featuring portrait and fantasy photography. I always follow where the wind takes me and the new creative opportunities that present themselves to me. My photography is a journey and I’ve loved seeing how it evolves.
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey have been a fairly smooth road?
One of the main struggles is narrowing down the services I offer. Any photography gig that came my way I accepted, so my resume has a wide range of diversity. I’ve photographed the United States Marine Corps Ball, babies, products, pets, weddings, maternity, musicians, real estate, architecture, and food & beverage to name a few. Funny enough, I’ve noticed that when people are looking for “specific” photographers, they search for someone who ONLY does that specificity. For example, an engaged couple wants a photographer who only shoots weddings. As if they will be better or more advanced in that area because it’s the only thing they do. It has been interesting trying to navigate marketing and building a client base so currently, I focus on real estate, food & beverage, products, and portraits to narrow down the services I offer for other people’s sake. Although, I don’t like to limit myself and the services I provide.
In 2018, I created my LLC and was so proud of myself! Knowing the first five years are the hardest for any new business (especially a small business) I was prepared for anything, or so I thought. Fast forward to 2020 and Covid-19, goodness what a shock that was for the world! Like so many others, my business suffered greatly. I lost most of my clients and have had to literally start over. With no jobs coming in but still having to pay business taxes, was a tough time. I consider it a two-year pause and am looking at this as a new opportunity to rework my business plan, creating a stronger foundation than before and only growing like English Ivy from here on out.
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
Like most working artists, you have the art that makes you money and personal art you do because you love it, but doesn’t always bring home the bacon. I find such peace and joy from portrait sessions, especially when they are in nature. When I moved to Georgia in 2014, I knew one person but soon was told about this amazing group called Dream Warriors on Facebook. After being accepted into the community, I posted about doing free photoshoots and found so many phenomenal women who I am still friends with to this day. I was a part of a nymph series, created a zodiac calendar with models representing their true zodiac sign, and did some epic portraits in Georgia’s beautiful landscapes.
Before I met these amazing women, I spend a lot of time hiking and photographing nature, flowers, landscapes, clouds, etc. Finding true inspiration from Frida Kahlo (and not knowing anyone) I would take self-portraits and soon developed my unique art style of blended portraits, combining nature with female figures. I do this using double exposures and photoshop, It has become my trade mark and I have been a part of a few art shows showcasing my work. My most recent art show was for Yes Ma’am where I donated a metal print to raise funds for Amplify Georgia, an organization that brings together reproductive health rights and justice (RHRJ) organizations, community leaders, and allies to expand abortion access and advance reproductive justice in Georgia through policy change, culture shift, and education. It sold for $250.
As you’ve probably gathered, I love fantasy portraits and concept photography. I’ve had work published in Enchanted Living Magazine and Astrology Today. I love representing femininity, the power of women, and the goddess in my art.
On the professional side of my photography, I especially love architectural and real estate work. I offer virtual staging as well as videography, I just really enjoy seeing so many different homes and their layouts. I put some music on and let the house show me its charm and character. I always try to treat homes like people, they do have a personality.
Over the years, before I started photography as a main job I was a bartender. I adore mixology and flavor combinations so it is only natural that I’ve worked with whatever restaurant I was at, providing them with photos. The food and beverage industry will always have a special place in my heart, so I especially love when I can work with restaurants around Atlanta and take stunning photos of their menu items and cocktails as well as the interior/exterior.
So maybe we end on discussing what matters most to you and why?
Equality and Human/Animal Rights. It’s important to empower people and tells them that they deserve dignity from society. We all have the same anatomy and organs, we all need air to survive. Just because there is a difference in sex chromosomes or the color of our skin doesn’t make anyone more important than the other. It’s as simple as that, yet it’s still so hard. I have to keep hope that we are moving toward equality, we will continue to stand up for each other until we are united. That’s the dream, that’s the goal.
I am a huge advocate for animal welfare. The ethical treatment of animals, especially the ones people eat, needs to be addressed. For this reason, I choose to be vegetarian. I cannot ignore the slaughter industry and the horrid conditions as well as the psychological damage these animals endure. In the past, I’ve volunteered with local shelters to photograph pups to help with their adoptions. A first impression also counts for animals too, I’m sure you’ve seen photos of scared dogs/cats and thought, “That animal looks dangerous/aggressive.”. Well, the poor thing is scared to death. So offering comfort and happiness to an animal in order to photograph them happy is totally a win-win.
- Real Estate: Starting at $150
- Portraits: Starting at $200. Includes professional editing.
- Food & Beverage: Starting at $200
- Product: Starting at $150
Contact Info:
- Website: www.AngelaMedlinPhotography.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/angelamedlinphotography
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AngelaMedlinPhotography