Today we’d like to introduce you to Brittany Coates.
Hi Brittany, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
My story started in 2020. Once Covid started, I was still in college and working. However, it became too much and I had to leave my job. I suppose you could say that’s when the creator in me really came to play. At first, I started modeling A LOT and constantly going to various meetups. I have family in both Georgia and Charlotte North Carolina so I had lots of opportunities. Being around fellow creators, models and photographers really helped me to get where I am. Growing up, my mother would always say, “You are who you surround yourself with” and that statement is 100% true. I was lucky enough that when the world shut down, I was surrounded by people who pushed me to try different things, become the best version of myself, and lastly step in front of the camera. Around the end of 2021 was when I decided to become a content creator along with still modeling.
Once again, those friends who pushed me to aim high made it easier for me to switch and begin making various reels on Instagram. Instagram is a whole different ballpark especially when creating. For one thing, it’s just you and a camera, at least for me it was. There are plenty of people who will see your creation and love it, but there are also people who won’t and that’s okay! So having confidence in yourself is key, trust me! I’m a firm believer that if I hadn’t had the opportunity to grow and become comfortable with myself and a camera that making reels on Instagram would have been a bit uncomfortable. After adding to my creative outlet, I slowly began to teach myself how to do makeup and started to fall in love with the creativity of makeup. There are so many different styles, colors, and ideas that the possibilities are endless. I got to where I am today by taking uncomfortable steps, meeting people with goals like mine, and lastly by learning to love myself, flaws and all but still forcing myself out there, by no means am I the best version of myself, but I am better than I was yesterday.
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
I don’t think anything worthwhile is ever as smooth as we hope, so to answer that question there have been some bumps. I like to wear my authenticity on my sleeves so, to be honest, I struggled with self-image when it came to modeling I was constantly the biggest (weight and height-wise) person in the room, now mind you I’m a size 10-12 so by no means am I a big person. With modeling in general there have been improvements but there’s still an ideal image of models and what most photographers want. The photographers and other models that I’ve worked with by NO means ever made me feel like I didn’t belong if anything they were super friendly and great! I mean, I’m still friends with a good bit of them but it’s something I always noticed when I would go to shoots. Self-image/Body dysmorphia was a big thing I dealt with and it took a while to mend. Even now, I have good days and some not so good days. I always had a friend that said, “Fake it till you make it” and to an extent, that works. I changed that motto however to “Fake til you make it, until you believe it and become it” faking can only get you so far. I’ve accepted myself and all I can do is work on myself!
Another obstacle I faced specifically with social media and making videos was my mental health and self-love. In my first several videos, I found myself constantly looking at my likes and comments. I was slowly starting to seek my self-worth online and through others’ validations. If I got less than a certain amount of likes my whole day would be ruined and if I got above a certain amount of likes/views my day would be great. I think it’s important to understand that there will always be someone that has more than you and that’s why one should never compare themselves to anyone but themselves. When I started to notice this pattern of seeking myself worth I had to unlearn it, and I’m still unlearning it. I started hiding my likes from myself, posting solely because I wanted to and most important of all because liked what I was creating. It’s funny how life works because as soon as I started taking these steps things started to improve and soon after so did my engagement.
Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
I am a Model and content creator. My primary content creator content involves makeup transitions, before and after videos as well as making reels inspired by pop culture and trends. I’m slowly making a transition to TikTok where I will post that content as well as my acting content. I’m most proud of my growth personally and physically. Physically yes I’ve obtained a few hundred followers but for someone who didn’t start wearing makeup until last year (And only wore lipstick to my senior prom) I’ve definitely improved! As for my personal growth, I’ve accepted myself but also I support every creator I interact with. I want the best for myself, but also for everyone else. I’m not going to step on someone to get to the top. I believe what sets me apart is that I’m self-taught in makeup but I’m also authentic. I’m not scared to be vulnerable and I show the world that Instagram is fun but by no means am I as perfect as a filter. For modeling I have a range, but I truly enjoy modeling for lifestyle and editorials. With modeling, I’m most proud of being published in a local magazine! It was a big deal for me because I was never known for being in front of a camera, but now I am! What sets me apart for modeling is specifically my height, my go for it attitude and my hairstyle. It’s one of a kind and that’s what truly makes me stand out! I don’t think I’m better than anyone and understand that everyone has to start somewhere and no one should be ashamed for starting and learning something new.
What are your plans for the future?
My plan for the future is to keep growing. I’ve found that consistency is key, especially with social media. I’m looking forward to getting new headshots for my modeling career and start submitting to agencies again. I am also looking forward to getting signed by an agency (Hopefully). As for my social media platform I plan to collaborate and partner with more creatives and companies until a door opens. If you’ll let me dream big for a moment I plan on making my way to California either this year or next to create more content, meet more creatives, and to eventually become a TV show host, staying in front of the camera for life!
Contact Info:
- Website: https://linktr.ee/brittanyrcoates
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brittanyrcoates/
- Other: https://brittanycoates97.wixsite.com/portfolio/modeling-portfolio
Image Credits:
Photogrophers: William Utley, Maha Rizvi, LJ Williams & Chris