Today we’d like to introduce you to Christopher Fitzpatrick
Hi Christopher, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
I actually found my way to becoming a chef through selling financial software systems. I worked for an Atlanta based software company that developed software applications for banks. The banks would offer these software applications to their corporate clients. These systems are similar to consumer on-line banking. As the company expanded, I was fortunate enough to be part of the business development team who set up shop in London, England. I spent 3.5 living in London, servicing our clients in the UK. My primary role was to provide coding specifications and implementation support services. This involved facilitating the installation of the software systems from our corporate office in Atlanta to the client, training and assisting the bank client in developing technical documentation.
After 3.5 half years in London, England, I moved back to Atlanta, only to travel for the next 3 years to Tokyo, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur and parts of the Caribbean. During these years of travel to various parts of the world had an amazing impact on my life. One of those impacts was a love of culture, diversity and traditions. All of this being centered around cuisine, family and friends. Most of these cultural experiences were completely different from my growing up in Tennessee and Georgia.
While spending time in these foreign lands changed how I viewed people who are different from me. Because most if not all of my encounters were extremely positive. Being accepted for my ability to do a job well meant the world to me.
The social aspect of my work was fulfilling…meeting and developing relationships with people from all over the world opened up a completely new space for me. These social engagements meant being invited into client’s homes, being introduced to their network circles, attending parties, etc. These were the times of experiencing world cuisine from different parts of Europe, Asia, African, and the Caribbean. Not only did I appreciate and loved the cuisine, but it was the culture, the presentation, the people behind every dish that penetrated my heart. I realized that it didn’t matter what country I was in, those common things about traditions, family and friends getting together, respect, and love reminded me of home.
I remember coming home and trying my best to recreate some of the cuisine that I had experienced across the world, at least my interpretation of the cuisine. Well, that was the start of my interest in a culinary career. And of course, that’s when I realized that I love to entertain. So, I decided to take a risk and entered into Culinary School. After 3-4 years of culinary training, I started my very own catering business…The Savory Plate.
The Savory Plate primarily provided services for social events…weddings, mitzvahs, anniversaries, birthdays, etc. My client base was mostly outside of the northern perimeter of the city of Atlanta. I introduced world-centered cuisine to my clients. One of my most memorable moments of The Savory Plate was catering for a client (from India) who wanted all Indian Cuisine. Well, I must say that I did a damn good job to win the business. However, the client gave me recipes that had been passed down through her family. I used those recipes to create the cuisine for the wedding reception. During the reception, I felt someone take hold of my hand, it was the mother of the bride. The mother looked at me and said, “I am proud of you. You did an amazing job.”
Well, I had a good, well decent 10-year run with The Savory Plate until the Covid pandemic hit and shut us and many other companies like mine down.
There is always a Ram in the Bush… since no one that I knew in the hospitality industry was working, I reached out to an old culinary school mate whose name is Carlton Brown. It had been a while since I had seen Carlton, so we decided to have lunch together…just to catch up to see how things were going. Basically, we were venting… oh that was me.
As we finished our lunch and had downed a few “lite cocktails” (inside humor for those who know Carlton), we ended our outing with these words, “we will one day end up working together.” Little did I know that reality would happen sooner than later. Our first joint culinary adventure was on July 3, 2020, for a very private an intimate wedding. In the Fall of 2021, The Savory Plate and Occasional Occasions by Carlton merged and retained the recognized name Occasional Occasions by Carlton. This merger, gave us an opportunity to expand our cuisine offerings and enhance of service levels.
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
Has it been a smooth road? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Being the sole owner of business is definitely not an easy task. You have to wear many hats, from interviewing and building a team, marketing, developing a digital presence, managing the finances, meeting with clients, shopping, cooking, and decorating are just a few things that challenge ones being. Also, during the years of The Savory Plate, I was raising a young family (2 sons) and juggling the responsibilities of family dynamics. Being a project manager really helped me manage all of these responsibilities by understanding the priorities and managing client expectations.
Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
I found my love for cuisine, entertaining, and culture through selling financial software systems to banks in Europe, Asia, and the Caribbean. This experience opened my eyes to what is really important to me. I knew that I had a job to do when I traveled to these foreign countries, but having the opportunity to experience life alongside of by foreign colleagues really pierced my heart in a good way.
I look at my work as art and the plate is my canvas. I use paint color, fabric and texture, nature as part of my inspiration for designing my food. I recall being in San Juan, PR watching flamenco dancers…their movements were so sexy. As the man moved the lady across the dance floor, she was the star of the show because not only was she beautiful, but she also knew how to pop her skirt at the right time. In the very moment of her dress ballooned as her partner spun her around, my thoughts designed an inverted taco. I used this version of taco for many years with the reminder of this really sexy lady, full of spirit and spice with all the bright colors in her dress.
If I were to pick a cuisine that truly satisfies me as my specialty, it would be Mediterranean Cuisine. Mediterranean cuisine tends to lean more on the healthy side, and it is so easy to design other elements of the meal around poultry, seafood, or a red meat.
I am most proud of the life that I have been able to build during and post Covid. I met a wonderful man…Carlton Brown, who is my husband and business partner. Carlton and I merged The Savory Plate and Occasional Occasions by Carlton in 2021. Life with Carlton has been one of my most rewarding and liberating experiences. I am also extremely proud of my twin son’s Joshua and Caleb. Seeing them grow into wonderful young men and the special bond that we share means the world to me. If anyone knows me, they know how extremely important that my family is to me.
What sets me apart from others…there is no one on earth like me. I am purposefully and wonderfully made.
Where we are in life is often partly because of others. Who/what else deserves credit for how your story turned out?
I’ve already mentioned my husband, Carlton. We are in the trenches together every day, encouraging each other to do and be our best. He keeps me laughing…yes, he is a full comedian.
Every single one of our clients gives me encouragement and energy to keep improving, keep exploring, keep creating, keep giving us this wonderful food.
My family is my biggest cheerleader. Without them, it would have been extremely difficult to endure some of life’s ups and downs.
My Uncle James was my mentor on so many levels. We talked pretty much about everything, even things that we did not agree on. We would share stories about cooking and catering because he too had ventured into a career in hospitality service.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://occasionaloccasionscatering.com
- Instagram: theoccasionaloccasionscatering
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ChefCarltonB
- LinkedIn: christopher-fitzpatrick-16727b277
- Youtube: @occasionaloccasions
Image Credits
Derek Wintermute Photography