Today we’d like to introduce you to DaQuita Hall.
Hi DaQuita, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today?
I am a proud mother of seven beautiful children. Ages ranging from 9-3 months old. I am married to my middle school sweetheart Aaron. I love the medical field and I’m studying to become a Neurology Doctor. I love seeing how the brain works and what drives our thinking to do some of the things we do. I am in year 3 of schooling and I honestly couldn’t be more proud of myself for continuing my education. I have such a serious obsession with school and becoming the best version of myself. I will be on television one day and all on social media. I know other mothers who have less children or maybe more children could learn something from me. I am here to show the world that’s there’s way more to me than just having seven children. I’m advancing in life and won’t stop until I land on the stars and take some back to earth with me. I have been through a lot in my life from foster care at the age of three until 14 years of age. I always felt like the “Black sheep” of the family never good enough. It took me moving away from my hometown of Illinois in the middle of a pandemic with 6 children, my fiancé and our dog. To see, how strong I really was. I honestly, look at that as my biggest accomplishment yet. If I can do that and make it I know I can graduate college and make it and will. My children are always telling me how proud they are of me and it melts my heart. Nobody, knows the real reason for my grind but they will surely never forget someone like me. I want this to go viral and give other moms hope. Our lives aren’t over it’s just beginning who knew all we need was a child/children to help push us? God is Good.
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey have been a fairly smooth road?
“Absolutely not” that’s actually my favorite saying laughing out loud. I learned that at a young age nothing worth having comes easy in this thing we call life. It’s been blood, sweat and tears. I have so many memories and just life experiences that would have everyone crying because things that were meant to break me didn’t succeed. I honestly stay prayed up and speaking positive affirmations into my life and household. I don’t want anything happening that could potentially drain me or my home from vibrating at a high frequency.
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I am currently a medical student specializing in “Internal Medicine”. I love medicine and being able to learn all fields of it is a blessing. I am currently branding myself so I can go into another field I’m thinking pediatrics for a year. As, you learn quickly in the medical field it’s best to have experience in all areas. You can potentially increase your pay and also your expertise. I am most proud of my photoshoot I did last may it honestly helped boost my career portfolio.
Can you tell us more about what you were like growing up?
I was very wise, intuitive, reserved. I always wanted “More”.
Contact Info:
- Instagram: Dacutestdoctor
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DookieHead18
- Twitter: Medicalislife29
- Yelp: https://www.yelp.com/user_details?userid=kNZbCudwR-VAG7J1hUQyPg&utm_source=ishare
- Website: https://dacutestdoctor.weebly.com/gallery.html