Today we’d like to introduce you to Jalaal Hayes.
Jalaal, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
In STEM education, I started as a tutor in the heart of North Philadelphia at nine. I saw the connection between algebra and geography by plotting graphs (x-axis and y-axis) and identifying a city/ country via latitude and longitude, respectively. Seeing that connection, my parents saw that I would learn to pursue a career in science or mathematics. Although that was the first peak at my gift, I knew I had to work extremely hard to hone in on the craft. As the science and math problems got harder, I stayed up late nights and early morning from my two years in high school and three years in college. This commitment paid off when I graduated at 18 years old. From there, I went to Howard University to explore climate change and atmospheric science before pursuing and completing my doctoral degree in Chemistry at 22. Throughout the journey, however, I wanted to produce the next generation of STEM professionals. The reason is that I wish for the next generation to achieve their full potential and carry on a legacy of STEM excellence from communities like North Philadelphia. That is where Elyte Universal Network was born to pursue and accomplish that mission to make STEM simple, relatable, and accessible for those communities.
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
The road has not been smooth as I had to transition from an academic mindset to a business mindset on approaching collaborations and strategic partnerships. One of the biggest lessons I learn is to communicate your vision effectively and make sure you make sound and sustainable relationships.
Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
Elyte Universal Network, LLC is a STEAM (STEM + Arts) education company focusing on making STEM simple and accessible in historically marginalized communities. When I graduated with my Ph.D. in Applied Chemistry at 22, I wanted to help produce the next generation of STEM professionals from similar backgrounds to North Philadelphia (my hometown). From that mission, we partnered with Upward Bound programs in Delaware, community programs in Philadelphia, fraternities, sororities mentoring programs, and many others. The difference between EUN and others is that we focus on providing deliverables on demands to our end-users and an experience. We want to ensure that when administrators, faculty, teachers, and students engage with our organization, they leave with something in their hands and their mind rather than the letter. In addition, our content is tailored to solving real-world problems within their communities so that we maintain high engagement constantly within our services and other offerings.
The company’s focus is to increase awareness, cultivate a STEM identity within historically marginalized communities, and create culturally-relevant curricula that will engage, retain, and sustain students within the K-12 communities with 21st-century skills and social-emotional learning tools.
Are there any apps, books, podcasts, blogs or other resources you think our readers should check out?
There are various books, podcasts, and podcasts that I engage in daily for my professional development. Out of all the books I read, the Go-Giver by Bob Burg and David Mann is the one that keeps me grounded and hungry for success. The reason is that I believe the measure of success from a man is in how much he gives, not how much he gets.
In addition, I have created resources that help others pursue STEM education and innovation. One of the book series to assist in social and emotional learning via reflection is my “Letters to” series. I have released two books so far, such as “Letters to Millennials and Founders” (released in 2017), “Letters to Community” (released in 2019), and now “Letters to Education” which is set to release in July 2023.
- Growing Up Great – $20.00
- Letters to Millennials and Founders – $15.00
- Letters to the Community- $15.00
- Letters to Education – $15.00
- Exploding Dreams: A STEAM Story (my documentary) – $10.00
Contact Info:
- Website: www.drjalaalhayes.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drjahayes
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drjah
- Other: https://www.explodingdreams.com
Image Credits
Credits- Dr. Jalaal A. Hayes via Elyte Universal Network, LLC