Today we’d like to introduce you to Queen Ro.
Hi Queen Ro, so excited to have you on the platform. So before we get into questions about your work-life, maybe you can bring our readers up to speed on your story and how you got to where you are today?
I started my journey to freedom in 2019. Well, let’s say I committed to my journey, lol. Freedom; meaning I allowed myself to completely walk in my truth. I now know, I was stuck in emotional heartbreak. I had to learn to love myself fully before I could step into my natural power!! Words are my power. I have learned to use my words to help people transform by breaking repetitive patterns and connecting them to their heart space. I speak to their natural passion inside in hopes to ignite growth and inspiration.
In 2020, I started my Podcast titled Free Your Journey, revealing my flaws and trauma. Talking about my experiences helped me shed layers of hurt and agony. I realized I was crying out to be heard and no one was listening. My podcast became my therapy and outlet to my soul family. I discuss healing from the root of the problem and how to overcome it in triumph! We must reveal in order to heal!! I want us to heal from the inside out. I hope my healing journey influences others to speak their truth and do the work to receive their VICTORY by aligning their mind, body, and soul. You can follow my story on Youtube. Search Free Your Journey.
I am now a full-time entrepreneur operating two businesses SponsorebyRo & Free Your Journey. SponsoredbyRo was created to help small businesses with their branding and growth. This business was my first baby. I continue to revamp and innovate it daily. I now offer management packages for Administrative duties, Social Media Marketing & Vending Events. If you have an event coming up, be sure to reach out to us for custom decor packages! As I continue to heal and grow. My businesses are growing more and more. I plan to continue to add new services and elevate my businesses for 2023. I hope to partner with more Black Owned businesses as we prepare to spark more generational wealth next year.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
No, this process has been bumpy. I ran out of resources a few times and needed assistance from others. I am a big fan of taking breaks to reset. I have to come back to the drawing board several times. I always have new ideas, but executing these ideas in a timely fashion sometimes gets the best of me. I am a visionary, so I see it before I do it. If I can’t get the vision to my perfection, I sometimes worry or overthink. This is when I take a setback from the project and reset. Don’t burn yourself out trying to be perfect. Our imperfections are what make us unique. I try to hone my imperfections more. The things I see as flaws are strengths to others. When I am struggling with fresh ideas, I mediate and allow my heart to flow creatively. Sometimes I have so many ideas I have to properly manage my time. For me, writing out a to-do list for the week, then breaking my tasks down per day helps me out a lot. It’s easier for me to see the list and duties than to jump all in on a project without mapping it out first.
Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
As a creative, I am in love with all things storytelling! I love theatre, music, and art. I am a storyteller. At this moment have written poems and songs. Event designing is a passion that gives me life. I love seeing my ideas come together in real life. All of the colors and themes are amazing! My podcast is more storytelling from a 5D point of view. I like to get to know you, the essence of you. My art is a reflection of me because I am a truth speaker, I seek/reveal the truth in all my pieces. Everything must flow together like a puzzle and I love connecting them. My mind is beyond this Earth and I feel that small piece makes me stand out!!
Have you learned any interesting or important lessons due to the Covid-19 Crisis?
Lesson learned was to pay attention to nature more!! We must stay grounded to know what is actually happening in this world. We must stay prepared for all new challenges we may face. I am happy I own more than one business now because I lost a lot during the panademic. I will continue to pour into my legacy because nothing in this world lasts forever!!! We must secure our generational wealth now!
- 500 Basic Social Media Package
- 1500 Management Package
- 300 Decor Packages
Contact Info:
- Website: https://freeyourjourney111.wordpress.com
- Instagram: www.instagram.com/freeyourjourney
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/freeyourjourney
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBNps1IO6Uan7X5xU4LoUpQ
- Other: https://linktr.ee/RoshawndaWilliams