Today we’d like to introduce you to Shantae Moore. Them and their team share their story with us below:
In 2019, Harmony Abebi Ekundayo, who performed under the stage name HAEtheprophet, took a sabbatical from performing and modeling even though she was booked months at a time. She was busy but unhappy and unsatisfied. Poetic one liners such as, “I killed myself in order to become who I was supposed to be”, no longer seemed intelligent or wise to say during performances. Through survival, and coping mechanisms, Harmony, the artist and performer, had become a successful spoken word artist, visual artist, model, creative director, etc.- but who was Shantae? She decided to go back and get her.
She retired from modeling and launched S. Moore Styling & Co., a wardrobe styling, branding, coaching, and consulting business. She stepped out on her own to share her passion for eclectic individualism in visual branding and devote more one-on-one time to clients. Shantae customizes all her work to meet individual internal and external branding needs.
“If you’re Andre 3000, Afrofuturistic, Family Guy and a Bruce Lee tee shirt person, then we’re going to clap for the creativity and find the best look to fit you and your personality.”- SQM
Her services are backed with years of experience that began with overcoming decades of childhood sexual, physical, and emotional abuse, low self-esteem and obesity, experience as the Creative Director and photographer for a magazine, and countless runway/print ad model hours. She loved exploring the creations of emerging designers and learning the stories of male and female models while styling, serving, and offering wisdom on sets.
“It felt like home,” she said about her transition from modeling to consulting. “I was now in my element.”
Her resume is growing quickly! After being taught by celebrity stylists such as Tan France, Rachel J Penca, Dennis Kenney, and Jeffrey Ampratwum, Shantae graduated as a top student from Pivot School of fashion. S. Moore Styling & Co. has extended styling services to include professional writing, editorial and commercial services offering a one-stop shop to make your name great!
In addition to running her own business, she proudly mentors’ countless young girls, aspiring models, and upcoming artists.
Before finding her niche in the industry of fashion, Shantae graduated with a degree in Business Management. She has worked over 22 years in the technical field for Fortune 500 companies.
Shantae brings both service and sincerity to S. Moore Styling & Co. Her authenticity, 14+ years in prophetic, ministerial leadership roles, and acute eye for detail has earned the trust of her clients. She works to bring out the best version of you—authentically and unapologetically you.
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey have been a fairly smooth road?
“Real talk, when the higher self is in a constant battle defining who you are verses who you used to be But it’s all occurring internally…
It will make you wonder.
Who really wants to hear the penned words of a pinned girl who trained for the gospel in a pinned world?
You feel the oil now and wonder how can that be…
When yo momma a witch and yo daddy a warlock.
Before unzipping his pants, he forces you to quote Psalm 23.
And EVERYBODY knows the mind of God and how you should be.
In the place to be on Sunday forever shooting up emotionally.
In a church full of prophets but none could see!
So, the predator preying in a place that supposed to be peace!
Who cries for the little girl that cries in me?”
–Excerpt “So I Write”
In retrospect, the hardest obstacle in my life was the repeated decision to will myself to live. By the time I was 8 years old, I had already attempted murder and suicide. I learned very early not to trust collars and crosses nor the people that wore them. I learned very early that as much as you wish, God doesn’t always show up. I learned that no one was going to fight for me so I had to fight for myself. After my death by poison attempt failed, I tried the first of many times to kill myself.
During the course of decades of sexual, emotional, and physical abuse, I learned to disappear. I thought I could disappear in sports. I tried to disappear in food. When becoming obese did not work, I attempted to disappear in men’s clothing. Rage. Violence. Silence. Anything was worth a shot.
When I became of age, the first thing I did to escape was get married – mistake. Big mistake. By 22, I was a divorced single mother. Even though my daughter became my life force, I still struggled with suicidal thoughts until I truly began to heal through professional therapy. I had to forgive myself for all the thoughts and harm I had done to myself.
“I am standing in the mirror, starring this cat called God down.
I’ve been forever fighting, I’m tired but I ain’t scared- with a lot to say!
And now I’m mean mugging this dude in the mirror with pure anger and pure hate.
Why forth art thou calling thine name?
You didn’t show up for the first one, the second one, the girl, or the one that was gay.
I came in my anger, my hurt, and my pain asking what do you want with me?
When I prayed, you didn’t answer. When I cried, no one came. When I called, the line was silent.
He said, I need you to be my hands and feet now cause you don’t view things the same.”
–Excerpt “So I Write”
After the 4th and final suicide attempt, I made the decision that I wanted to live. And that is when the fight of my life started. I’ve experienced a few bouts with death over the last few years. As of today, doctors are unable to explain how I am still living with the medical conditions I have other than, “God must really love you.”
I finished the last week of fashion school from my hospital bed. I came in this world fighting. I’m going to leave out fighting. I know longer look at anything as an obstacle. The real question for me is how bad do I want it?
“…Baptized in the Spirit so my spirit is live in love, Law of extension contagiously.
Bruce Lee-ing in the 5th, I killed who I was in order to become who I’m supposed to be.
Front line, blazing and blasting, willingly waging warfare- I mean word play.
Ain’t afraid to die cause I done died already.
I’m healed now. Now, I’mma make hell pay.”
–Excerpt “So I Write”
Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
S. Moore Styling & Co., a wardrobe styling, branding, coaching, and consulting business. I specialize in branding through the arts and creativity. I was able to gather every skill that I once used to cope such as art, poetry, writing, sports, men’s fashion, ministry, modeling, photography and roll it into one package called “my business”.
I am proud of my ability to operate from the inside out. I don’t show people my superpowers. I show them theirs.
Is there anyone you’d like to thank or give credit to?
My daughter is my pride. There is no question in my mind that her birth changed the trajectory of my life. However, this granddaughter that I have been gifted, she is my joy!
Contact Info:
- Instagram: @s.moorestylingandco
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/smoorestylingco