Today we’d like to introduce you to Shawntavia Bell.
Hi Shawntavia, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today?
This journey began in 2014 when I moved to Atlanta. Moving to a new city opened the doors to new challenges to become better. After overcoming the basic challenges such as making new friends and a new career path. I had this burning passion to help people and not know where to start. So little did I know at the time I could use the hardships I was given to provide solutions to others as well as myself. The only guarantee in life is change. We get the opportunity to change our outlook on the things we face in life. So, one day I was in my living and came up with this idea that turned into a podcast. The idea was called “L.Y.T. Lab”. L.Y.T Lab is where uncomfortable moments are dissected to formulate peace. A space to be your authentic self. It’s a mindset.
I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
No, I cannot say that this road has been smooth. I will say this journey is worth it. The struggles along the way helped birth some of the topics on the podcast. For example, having car issues when it was time to promote the podcast, investing in the podcast with little funds, procrastination and so on. In the beginning, it seem as if everything that could go wrong, went that way. Until I learned to see it from a different perspective. My advice to anyone in the process or entrepreneurship, stay focused. Learn to use everything in your benefit. Now I use the struggles as opportunities to pivot into a new way of thinking. Whatever you would like to do has to test you to see if you are ready for what you’re asking for. The main thing I struggled with was the mindset. The mindset to stay focused on what I set out to do. Now, I can use all of what I’ve experienced to help others.
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I am an entrepreneur, motivational speaker, and a podcast host of a podcast called LYT Lab. I specialize in mindset shifts and leadership. I am known for helping others shift into new perspectives for a better quality of life. I am most proud of the journey to becoming a podcast host. This podcast opened doors to new ways to experience our daily challenges through authenticity and transparency. What sets me apart from others is my personal positive perspective on challenges. LYT Lab encourages people to observe the mindset and welcome the uncomfortable to be transmuted into positive perspectives.
So, before we go, how can our readers or others connect or collaborate with you? How can they support you?
To support, collaborate or partner with me, feel free to subscribe to the LYT Lab podcast on all streaming platforms; such as Spotify or Apple Podcast. Email at Lytlabllc@gmail.com for collaborations and follow, like on Tiktok @Lytlab – Instagram @Lytlab, and subscribe to the YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/@lytlabpodcast
Contact Info:
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lytlab/
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@lytlabpodcast