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Life & Work with Victoria Norman

Today we’d like to introduce you to Victoria Norman.

Victoria Norman

Hi Victoria, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today.
I have always had a passion for beauty as well as the arts for as long as I can remember. I started out doing hair in high school as a result of people constantly wanting me to do their hair because I was pretty good at doing my own. From there, my makeup skills started to pick up and before I knew it, I spent the day of my senior prom completely booked with hair and makeup appointments before getting myself ready for prom.

I wasn’t quite sure of what I wanted to do after high school and I knew the pressure was on because my guidance counselor kept asking me and I remember my exact words to her were “I don’t know, I guess I’ll just do hair or something”. She then proceeded to tell me that I was too smart to settle for just doing hair (She said so because I graduated high school with honors and a 4.0 GPA) so she nominated me for the “Heart of the Pee Dee Scholarship” which granted me 4 years of college completely tuition free. While I did well in school, I just knew that wasn’t my path at the time. So, after completing 1 year, I decided that I wasn’t going back and that I was going to pursue doing makeup full-time. Shortly after, I started esthetic school and was licensed after 6 months.

After graduating, I hit the ground running working full-time as a Makeup artist/esthetician. I started at Pinky Promise Nail Studio in Florence, SC. I’ve hit a great deal of amazing milestones since starting. My work has been featured in Vogue Magazine as well as Munaluchi Bride. I’ve trained and crossed paths with some amazing artists such as Nicky Posley, Renny Vasquez, Tiyana Robinson, Yaneek Brinson, and Beat Face Honey to name a few! I started over and relocated to Charlotte, North Carolina a little over 3 years ago and rebuilt my clientele from scratch it has been an amazing transformative journey that has also led me into other avenues such as the health and wellness space!

So, I guess now I’m starting to see myself as more than just a makeup artist/ esthetician but more as a creative and I’m excited and grateful to see where I’m lead on my journey!

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not, what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
Most definitely not! Being a first-generation entrepreneur is rough because not only do you face the obstacles of having to figure everything out as you go, but you also have to overcome a lot of limiting beliefs as well as self-doubt. Then, there’s the struggle of realizing that you can’t do anything great alone and not being too prideful to admit that you’re not superwoman and that you need help especially if you’re used to doing everything yourself.

Moving to a new city where I knew no one and having to rebuild my life as I knew it or thought it would be as challenging as well. However, I’m extremely blessed to have built the relationships and friendships I have over the years because I wouldn’t have gotten through that without my loved ones!

As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
I am a Makeup artist/ Esthetician! I specialize in makeup, lash extensions, and facial waxing!

I am also most recently known for my health and wellness content where I share simple and easy juice recipes, my hobbies, how I balance my work/ life, and I am also a brand ambassador for a few wellness products. What sets me apart is that I am not afraid to be all of my authentic self and the way I love and pour into my community.

Before we let you go, we’ve got to ask if you have any advice for those who are just starting.
I would advise anyone starting to remember your “why”, find great friends, mentors, and accountability partners, and embrace your unique journey.

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Image Credits
Teflon Jones and Corine Olarte

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