Today we’d like to introduce you to Zoë Harris.
Hi Zoë, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
I was a Daddy’s girl from the moment I was introduced to this world! My father was huge on tailor-made suits & dressing nice, but he was MAJOR on cologne, so it was inevitable that I, too, developed a love for the world of fragrance at a very early age. With his passing in 2018, fragrance has been our bridge from the physical realm to the spiritual one that makes me still feel connected to him!
My love for fragrance was never really something outsiders knew about me; I’d just get an “I can’t believe you spend that much on perfume” from my friends and family. As I began to take my YouTube channel serious around fall of 2020, I felt an urge to make a video sharing some of my favorite scents, but I convinced myself that no one would care because those around me didn’t share my passion for fragrances.
I had never seen a fragrance review before, so I went out on a limb and decided to make my video anyway, and it was a huge success! Then flowed monetization, sponsorships, brand deals, etc. I even got a job as a Brand Ambassador and Digital Client Advisor for Neiman Marcus Troy, MI on one of my many shopping sprees at NM to buy perfume!
With God’s blessing, I want to take the knowledge of fragrance that I’ve acquired from many different avenues to create a black-owned, high-quality niche fragrance line! I want to use the profits of this future business, paired with my collegiate and professional background in politics to be a pillar in the black community; using my money, connections, and influence to create more opportunities for our people, help start-up businesses, build schools, provide housing to low-income families, and offer pro-bono legal services❤️
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey have been a fairly smooth road?
I don’t want to jinx myself, but since taking off in the fragrance community, It’s been a pretty smooth ride so far which was further confirmation that this is indeed my calling; my purpose! I believe for this to my God-ordained winning season as the calm after the storm. Losing my father one semester before graduating from college, losing six other people close to me in about a three years time span, & dealing with severe depression & anxiety… this is a well-deserved smooth ride, lol.
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
Many look at me and assume that I am “just another pretty face” or a stereotypical “IG model”, but I have been involved in politics since I was 15 years old. I have worked on five different political campaigns and their re-election campaigns before I had even graduated from college at 21-years-old. While in school, I served on the Dean’s Advisory Committee, and I was a member of both the Political Science National Honor Society as well as the International Studies Honor Society.
During my senior year of college, I was working full time for the Governor of Michigan 12 hours a day, six days a week while still being a full-time college student with five classes online (my school was back in Florida where I lived for high school and college) I also lost my father that semester, but somehow I still managed to graduate on time, with honors and made straight A’s despite all that I was doing and going through.
I left politics once I realized that I could make a living pursuing my passion for fragrance. I never loved politics, I just wanted to be in rooms with decision-makers so that I could advocate for MY people and be OUR voice!
In terms of your work and the industry, what are some of the changes you are expecting to see over the next five to ten years?
I am 24-years-old now, so I definitely see myself having my own fragrance line within the next two years, and I’d like to see my scents in major department stores before I am 30.
I also have been involved in theatre and acting since age five and attended performing arts schools in LA, Detroit, and Palm Beach, FL. I still love acting and it comes so natural, so I definitely would like the opportunity to bring that dream to fruition as well and see myself on the big screen! I’d love to do something like a Sci-Fi, Game of Thrones vibe because I am a true thespian who admires and can recognize GOOD acting and great storylines as rare as they are!
Contact Info:
- Email: alluredezoe@gmail.com
- Instagram: https://instagram.com/zalexandriaa?utm_medium=copy_link
- Youtube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCnV4ZfTLW46XFwOirjmGRuA
- Other: https://vm.tiktok.com/TTPdA69Ppf/