Today we’d like to introduce you to Addison Eiland
Hi Addison, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today?
My story begins as a freshman, entering highschool with her mind set on running for class president. I wasnt sure what it meant to be a leader, never the less president. I took the leap of faith and campaigned on the basis that I was a peoples person, i listened well, had hundreds of future incitives flowing through my mind, and a wonderful network of friends. I ended highschool as class president all four years, and with confidence I fufilled my time. One of my proudest moments was the creation of the annual LaGrange High School powderpuff charity game. I knew as president it was mission to leave an impact, and serve a greater good. So for the first time in highschool history, a few hundred of students/parents/facilty all gathered in the gymnasium riasing almost 1,000 dollars for our special education program. To pull the event off required 4 months of planning, networking, training, and marketing. It was for a cause special to my heart, and to see it continue is all i could have ever asked for. I graduated the class of 2022, and had my eyes set of a few schools but was still uncertain where i’d end up. I woke up to an email from GSU Music Department, with an acceptance letter into the music managment program and my mind new this was the one. I arrived at school, and got swept away by the busy city, the many new faces, and the buzzing excitment of being home. I joined phi mu fraternity my freshman year, and after a semester in decided to run for social chair. I learned how to plan events, network with venue owners, negotiate contracts. I spent a year learning as much as i good about this indsutry till elections came back around and i ran for vice president. As vice president I coordinated chapter, planned discussions, monitored 8-10 committees ensuring they were working diligtnetly, and right hand of the president at the time. The end of my first semester of vice presidency i was accepted into Jonkoping International School of Business and had to step down as vice president. I spent 5 months in sweden playing unviersity voleyball, traveling, playing music live, and learning skills like project managment, and entreprenuership. I competed in a E-Day Challange with a prize fund of 1,000,000 Krones. My team was able to make it to the finalies, with our product scent sync which was automatic diffuser that was able to detect anixety/high levels of stress through heart monitoring. The product was devloped for aging populations, primarly indivudals who were living alone and expereiced high levels of anxiety ( at risk of stroke/heartattack). Our theory was that scent being the strongest of the senses, we would release a famiular scent through our produuct when the individual heart rate spiked, and as they begin to recgonize the scent they naturally begin to lower heart levels ( that was alot haha sorry). I was in sweden when I ran for president of Phi Mu Fraternirty, being elected over seas with a different time zone was no easy feat but we managed to do it. Now I have put my focus on implmenting a sorority sucess plan to ensure our members gain as much as they can through their time. I manage a 11 women exectuive board and 50 women chapter, as well as working as a marketing intern for GSU athletic department.
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
Theres been obstacles, of course. Some took more time then others to accept, and some I believe I am still healing from. I was shieled from death for most of my life, untill 2021 a fellow class mate/child hood friend passed away from a tragic car wreck. His death was dishearting, and I wasnt able to fully process the extent of what grief was. I remember at his candle light, people urging me to speak yet there i was unable to find any words to say. In the summer of 2021, death struck again as one of my dearest friends passed away in a car wreck. The wreck never really left my mind, as I along with many other witnessed the scene, wiped the tears, and soaked in the ringing of sirens. His death was 3 days prior to my birthday, and all i could think of how unfair it was for me to celebrate while my friend now lays alseep. They say everything happens for a reason, but I couldnt fathom what reason taking him would bring. In June of the following summer, another friend of mine passed away tragically while in a vechilar accideint. I remember the call i recieved when they told me the news, color draining from my face almost taken back that history had once again repeated itself. Each death changed me, and with each death I had to find something, just anything to make it easier. Gratitude. Love. Reflection.
It does get easier
Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
My work is composed of a few things. The first is president of Phi Mu, I love my work because of the impact we have not only on our local community, but the outreach we do with our philanthropy Childrens Miracle Networking Hospital. We raise money through fundraisers, philanthropy weeks, and events such as bonnamu which is a charity style concert with local artist. We are able to work locally with CHOA, and visiting the hosptial to meet so many amazing healthcare workers hearing their storys as well as families whos children are recieving treatment. Our outreach on the community goes beyond our philanthropy as we are extremly fortunate to host hygeine drives, and meal delvieries for locals facing housing displacment. I also love the work because I see the change this role is leaving on the women I work with, as they grow into leaders as well as seeing the growth within myself. My goals as a president for this year is to increase participation, and involvment in not only our events, but other organizatino events as well as implment a soroirty sucess prgoram connecting members with future employeers, improving overall gpa, and serving as a mentor to incoming and current members. Another work I do is interning with the GSU Athletic Program learning marketing, and event coordinating. While in Highschool I worked as a intern for Sweetland Amphitheatre, a 3,000 capacity outdoor venue in LaGrange Georgia. Although sports, and music are different worlds, I believe my time at sweetland prepared me for the role I serve now. I just accepted a position as operations and logisitics coordinate for YMCA Northern colorado for summer of 2025 which not only allows me to develop new skills, but learn how to be comfterbale with the uncomfortable and face anything life throws at me. On the side I have a deep intrest in AI, and spend my free time developing Niche AI solutions for local businesses. I am in the process of building a team compiled of fellow students at GSU, to better equipped me as ive learned its ok to ask for help, and team work makes the dream work.
How can people work with you, collaborate with you or support you?
There are many avenues in which people can work with me.
Phi Mu: As a chapter we are always looking for speakers, and mentors to visit and tell their story. We also are intrested in collaborations with any local atlanta orgnizations that serve the community. In terms of support through our events, and fundraiasing campaign all proceeds go to Childrens Miracle Networking Hosptial, so donations are gracisully accepted.
AI Tailored Solutons: Learning Is the lovely thing about life, I will never claim to have it all figured out. Mentors, indsutry experts, local businesses who are able to share knowledge, provide insight, resources I would love to connect and learn more. Supporting to me, is providing knowledge seeing it is such a remarkable thing.
I am a junior in college, with alot of plans ahead of me. I am open to any opporunity to grow and work towards making a change.
Contact Info:
- Instagram: GSUPHIMU
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/addie-eiland
Image Credits
Hanna Middleton