Today we’d like to introduce you to Breeze Cash.
Hi Breeze, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
My name is Breeze Cash and I’m an artist and CEO of Big Cash Apparel originally from Alabama residing in Atlanta, GA. My areas of expertise are music and fashion. I’ve been writing music since I was about ten years old and designing clothes for the last three. I got into designing after repeatedly going to the mall to buy new clothes and not really liking the selection they had in the stores. That’s really what inspired me to get into it. I’ve always been a fly guy that loves to dress up so people would always ask where I got this and where I got that. It only made sense for me to start making and designing my own.
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey have been a fairly smooth road?
It definitely hasn’t been a smooth road, at all. From not having enough money to bring the things that I had envisioned to life to people just not wanting to help at all just because they see what you have going on and consider you as a threat to what they have going on. Especially with the music side of things. People like to see you doing good, just not better than them. But it’s all good, I just had to get more creative with both markets being so saturated with up and coming talent right now. It can be hard to breakthrough but I’m confident in what I have going on and the things to come in my future.
Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
Right now, I’m more known for the music side of my creativity. I’ve always had a way with words and people genuinely enjoy listening to how I put certain things together that the average person wouldn’t think of. That same concept translates to my personal style so designing and starting my own clothes and founding my imprint, Big Cash Apparel, only made sense. I feel like the thing that sets me apart from the crowd is my talent + work ethic package. I’ve always heard that hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard so I set out to outwork everyone every time and let my talent shine on its own. Not to knock anyone else but I feel like I have a dope combination of attributes that can’t be denied when applied correctly. I’m a student of the game so there’s a lot still left to learn and get better at, I’m still raw, but once I learn to harness all of my energy it’s only up from there. I’m on the right track.
Can you share something surprising about yourself?
That I’m lowkey anti-social lol I love having and being around people for a certain amount of time but I really like being alone more. It may not seem like it but it’s true. People may think that I’m just a social butterfly always out somewhere doing something but in reality I be at the crib tryna figure out how to get rich.
Contact Info:
- Email: bigcash@shopbigcash.com
- Website: ShopBigCash.com
- Instagram: @thebreezecash
- Facebook: https://facebook.com/thebreezecash
- Twitter: @thebreezecash
- Youtube: https://youtube.com/c/TheBreezeCash