We are thrilled to be connecting with Brooke Sanzari again. Brooke is a Specialist of ethereal esthetics for brows, skin, & super-NATURAL self care and is also a content partner. Content partners help Voyage in so many ways from spreading the word about the work that we do, sponsoring our mission and collaborating with us on content like this. Check out our conversation with Brooke below.
Hi Brooke, thank you so much for sitting down with us again. For folks who might have missed our initial interview, can you start by briefly introducing yourself?
It’s a pleasure, thank you! For 20+ years I have held a full cosmetology license, but mainly specializing in esthetics. Since 2008, I am the creator, CEO, and operator of a company called browtopia®. I have been known as the “browpixie®”, this faery-like creature who just made these “pixie-sized” changes or adjustments that had a big, magical, impact. Doing this has made me the leader and founder of “wholistic” brow care, as well as having developed the world’s first organic brow product line that multitasks as skin care too!
From early on in my childhood I have worked with teas, herbs, spices, and divination. I “knew things” and knew how to make just about anything better. I unknowingly would put this to use on the daily, not realizing that not everyone did this too.
I now allow these specific talents to better compliment my career and the people I serve more openly, as an enchantress of energetic brow & skin care.
I do this by pairing the energetics of what I’m working with along with the individual’s own personal power and what they need. I refer to this practice as “ethereal esthetics”. Whether you call it an intention, affirmation, prayer, or spell, you need to back it up by putting forth action to compliment it. There is also a need to slow down and focus, so you can listen and learn discernment. Self care is the perfect application for this!
What important “pivot” opportunity has the pandemic given you and your business?
The opportunity to return to self. As cliché as that may sound, there is just really no other way to put it;
except the pandemic giving me the literal time and space to “remember”. There is no other way to live once you allow it to unfold.
This of course carries into one’s professional world. I was able to creatively integrate the two, while allowing my body and spirit time to heal after years of “hustle”, working to the detriment of exhaustion. I then created a complete collection of virtual services to help people do the same. It forced me to slow down long enough to truly listen how to put my own health and care first.
For this I am so very grateful.
How do energetics connect to the esthetic?
Browtopia is ethereal esthetics for super-NATURAL self care.
Connecting and working with the astrological lineup, moon phases, & energy at play, I create offerings that do SO much more than go skin deep. Everything becomes tailored to the individual as a whole. That is done by addressing your body as a whole. When you take into consideration the physical, mental, environmental, and energetic components of what makes up your life, the understanding of what you and your body need becomes more clear. This has ripple effect into your whole world.
Now your inner self starts reflecting the outer beauty goals and wellness you keep spending $$$ and your time on with authenticity. A foundation of self that truly belongs to you. Not a trend, not some borrowed ritual, no prescriptions to “fix”, just a state of being.
Your energy is connected to your health and esthetic. It always has been. Your eyebrows and skin reflect this. They communicate with you more clearly if you stop covering, “fixing” and berating them like they have turned against you.
What is your unique way of supporting and connecting this integration?
I’ve been saying it for years- I refuse to just continue to topically or temporarily address eyebrow and skin issues.
Continually doing this on a surface level disempowers. It creates an endless circle of codependency for those “goals” to be attained. I aim to show people their own power, in healing, beauty, and transformation.
I always knew there was a deeper healing at our fingertips. (Literally.)
It’s done by showing people their own part in healing and transformation. We ( beauty and wellness practitioners) are really only guardians at the gate. True healers provide the support and connection to help others find their own authentic way to shift themselves to a higher dimensional living.
Energy is everything. In physics it never dies, it just transfers. From the ingredients I use, to how they are obtained, to the packaging it rests in, to the astrological lineup, the environment of my people I am collaborating with, to the change of seasons… It’s all connected. To work with all of those factors while incorporating it into a proper translation for the individual, is the connection that provides the support.
I supply both services and products for everyone. This ranges from holistic brow and skin consults, teaching virtual brow shaping with the proper care and keeping, and facial reflexology. My lunar brow reports, the deeper dives of reiki, and divination are paired always with the correlating self care to work with the energy at play (the ethereal esthetic). You can even take it a step further with custom, enchanted offerings that are handmade for the individual. After awhile this gives my clients a deeper understanding of their own inner knowing, which helps them discern more often what they need for their wellness and beauty. Not just going along with what someone tells them all the time.
I light up every time I hear “This makes so much sense. I have always felt, loved, was drawn to… -insert here- Thank you for the confirmation!”
All of my products are ecoluxe, cruelty-free, reiki blessed, and energetically mindful. From brow gels and balms, to body scrubs, bath potions, candles, and healing mists. I even created a full line of lifestyle items such as water bottles, apparel, seasonal self care pendulum boards, and even jewelry. This all deepens their own intuitive care and keeping everyday with intention and celebration! Healing, care,“finding yourself”, isn’t meant to be done with drudgery. Nor does everything need to be a big “ritual”. Sometimes, pixie-sized things lead to the longest and biggest impact.
Thank you so much again for sharing all of this with us. Before we go, can you share with our readers how they can connect with you, learn more or show support?
Support and connection is always found at browtopia.com with a full range of products, services, and links to more! Socialize with me on my Instagram accounts @browpixe and @browtopia.
Clubhouse & Twitter are found @enchantpix.
Facebook: Browtopia.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.browtopia.com
- Facebook: browtopia
- Twitter: @enchantpix
- Other: @enchantpix
Image Credits
Heather Marie Photo