Today we’d like to introduce you to C.J. Wade.
Can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today. You can include as little or as much detail as you’d like.
I’ve been writing and dancing since I was a child. Words and Music were my friends, but I was shy. I learned that I could use creativity to share what I couldn’t say aloud. Later, I went from performing in oratorical contests and dancing in my church’s arts program to being an author, public speaker, and choreographer.
Being an educator came unexpectedly. I loved teaching dance, but I never desired a formal career in the classroom. After a series of unfulfilled jobs, I was led to obtaining a master’s degree in Social Science Education. Empowering people is my ultimate passion, so. I used the classroom as a platform to motivate students to critically think and to introduce them to the arts. History tells a story and the arts carry that story in us all.
Regarding my journey to massage therapy, I saw creatives and clergy experience career fatigue when I was a teenager and I wanted to help. While I was teaching at a career college, the opportunity to obtain my therapeutic massage license became available and I jumped at the chance. I opened You Matter Massage & Wellness and kept teaching until the school closed one month later. I decided to plunge into my practice full-time and here we are!
My focus is assisting creatives and clergy because they are often denied the grace to evolve and rest. Creatives have demanding non-traditional work hours and clergy are expected to be available at all times. It is rare for either career to “clock out” of their professions because it pours from who they are. It is also difficult for them to find a safe place to land and be vulnerable. I’m part of both communities and I know the weight first-hand. So, through massage therapy and health coaching, I’m able to provide that safe space. I also use my teaching and writing strengths to inspire and motivate them. I love what I do!
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey have been a fairly smooth road?
The biggest hurdle was learning how to balance my health and my “yes.” I wanted to do everything asked of me, but my body couldn’t handle it. I was struggling to stay well and it almost cost me my life. That’s actually when health coaching came into the picture. I asked myself one day, “What will it take to make me healthy?” The answers were beyond my plate. I was fighting a chronic illness, so I restructured my medical team and scrubbed my calendar to discover the answer to that question. I had to learn how to replenish myself before helping others. Clients need the best version of you, so I invest in my rest, professional development, and positive relationships.
As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
I am multifaceted, so enjoy this response!
My content and books are published under The Write Wade Publishing Company, LLC, which I started in 2016. I am currently working on my 2nd book and I curate inspiration on my blog and podcast. I also use this avenue to tutor students and assist with résumé writing. Aside from being an outlet, my audience knows that I’m writing from authentic experiences and I want them to know they aren’t alone in theirs.
At You Matter Massage & Wellness, I am the owner, licensed massage therapist, and health coach. My mantra is “You deserve a healthy you” and I specialize in self-care for clergy and creatives. I’m on a mission to normalize self-care solutions for humankind, to advocate for healthy creative professionals, and to inspire self-care in faith-based communities. Self-care saved my life and I want everyone to be their best selves, inside and out.
Lastly, I’m creative at the core. My piano and vocals background strengthen my choreography and consulting career. Clients know they are securing someone that speaks their musical language. I also founded a faith-based creative collective called Workmanship Incorporated. We serve the community through the arts and outreach and 2022 marks our 10-year anniversary!
I am known for my faith, creativity, and encouragement. Everything I do includes these components. I am proud of being resilient and compassionate. The ability to create safe and inspiring spaces for others is my superpower. Also, if it can’t be done well, it needs to change. I always seek excellence and authenticity.
Are there any important lessons you’ve learned that you can share with us?
To remember myself as much as I remember others and to give myself the grace to evolve. We should always be growing toward the best version of ourselves and that requires grace for myself and others.
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Image Credits
Desiree Danielle Photography