Today we’d like to introduce you to Carl Adams.
Hi Carl, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
Been in this since I was 11. As of now, I play three instruments: the violin, the bass guitar and the electric guitar. Composer. One day you’ll look up and be confused as to how I’m in certain rooms. But I’ll know.
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
Never smooth. But that’s what makes it fun. You spend a ton of time in isolation just learning as much as possible so that you can slowly cultivate an identity of your own musically. It’s far easier to cash out of the trenches and go be a YouTube/Instagram influencer but where’s the fun in that?
Also met quite a few people along the way that have their own identities, which is also rewarding.
As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
I’m a composer in any genre I choose. Primarily classical, electronic, and metal. That versatility makes it fun every time I sit down to write. Just depends on what I’m on that day, and sometimes they blend into each other to allow for something super unique.
Do you have any memories from childhood that you can share with us?
I don’t actually remember most things from childhood. Maybe the first time I played Jet Set Radio Future. That soundtrack is one of my all-time favorites. Eclectic and varied, and you’re just skating around.
OH. That reminds me. Ape Escape. All-time favorite game. Interactive soundtrack super immersive. The first time I snuck and the volume dipped I thought it was the most incredible thing I’d ever heard. You get up, goes right back to regular volume. Tiny little details like that tie into a great experience.
Contact Info:
- Website: http://linktr.ee/carlmakesstuff
- Instagram: https://instagram.com/carlmakesstuff
Image Credits
Greg Crowson, Justin McCready