Today, we’d like to introduce you to Carolyn Tyus. Carolyn was introduced to us by the brilliant and talented Shatara Clark.
Carolyn, can you walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
I begin public speaking in June 2008 after the death of my son at the hands of a drunk driver. Another person was scheduled to speak on drunk driving but she was unable to and I was able to step-up and do it. After that I begin being booked to speak for various organizations. The one thing the organizations loved was that I still had the bag they gave me which were my sons personal affects. I always use it as an example when explaining to children why they should not drink and drive, because that is all I have left. After the loss of my son, my daughter was diagnosed with childhood cancer. During that time we became advocates for ensuring the health of children. We would speak to parents, and our daughter would encourage and support other children. After her passing, I then begin speaking on childhood cancer, and being a parent who suffered a loss due to it. For years I continued to take platforms, and then eventually we decided to write a book. We discussed it for years, and then I met Shatara. We scheduled a meeting with her and were impressed with her work, and her professionalism. We decided to tell our daughter’s story and publish it. In a little over a year we have sold almost 400 copies world wide, and we are continuing to work with Shatara as she coaches us in building our brand and impacting the world.
We’ve heard great things about your organization. For our readers who might not be as familiar, can you please tell them about the organization?
Jada Warrior Foundation is the platform for Jada’s book, titled Jada, the Jada Warrior Camp, and all things Childhood Cancer Awareness. The goal of the foundation is to provide funds and resources to parents who are constantly on the road or in need of hotels and food while traveling for appointments or unexpected hospital stays as a result of childhood cancer. Our platform is set apart because not only do we accept donations but we also sell our book which is not just medical facts about our daughter’s journey, but tell the story of her whole life from her perspective. Our camp was the vision of our daughter and her cousin who were both student athletes. The goal is to provide information and motivation from experts on sports and the importance of being a focused and respectful student athlete. We are very proud to be able to keep Jada’s memory alive. Simply CC is my personal platform where I encourage parents to share their stories of child loss after the age of 1, promote healthy lifestyles, and of course encourage the health of children and advocate for drunk driving laws. I also have a podcast, A Safe Space where I interview parents who have suffered the loss of a child. I always wonder what happens to parents who have lost children, because we all know after the services, the phone calls, text, and visits become slim to none. I desired to create a space where parents can still share and talk about those experiences, and let the public know what they are doing now in memory of their children. I am proud to be able to bring this to parents, and share my own wisdom.
Shatara Clark and TyWrites have been great to us and I know you’ve got a great relationship with them as well. Maybe you can tell our audience a bit about Shatara Clark and TyWrites and your experience with them.
Well, as stated earlier for years myself and Jada’s father were told we should write a book, and we knew we needed to. I was also asked on several occasions when I was going to write a book. Of course I saw others writing books, but I knew it was a process that I did not know much about. I had conversations with a few people who had published books and they provided some insight, but it was not enough to even begin the process. I knew of Shatara and had even did a speaking engagements she invited me to, but I did not know a whole lot about her publishing or coaching business. After getting connected with her again at a small group Bible study I remembered she was a book publisher, and I decided that myself and Jada’s father needed to meet with her. I could tell she knew her information, and that she would be patient with us in the process. Once she presented the information and explained how the process would go, we knew we could trust her.
Since we begin Shatara has literally held our hand. We published the book, but we also remained on as her coaching clients. She ensures we meet deadlines, participate in author expos, secure interview opportunities, book speaking engagements, and so much more. Our brand is consistent, and we have her to thank for it. We are so grateful. I just truly value Shatara for not rushing us, or treating us like we are irrelevant. So many people after receiving your funds, leave you hanging to figure things out on your own. Shatara is not like that. She is in close proximity to her clients and I love that about her style.
Website: www.jadawarriorfoundation.org
Instagram: lollyjai
Facebook: Carolyn Tyus