We are thrilled to be connecting with Cecilia Fernandez again. Cecilia is a Nonprofit farm animal sanctuary founder and is also a content partner. Content partners help Voyage in so many ways from spreading the word about the work that we do, sponsoring our mission and collaborating with us on content like this. Check out our conversation with Cecilia below.
Hi Cecilia, thank you so much for sitting down with us again. For folks who might have missed our initial interview, can you start by briefly introducing yourself?
My name is Cecilia Fernández. I am originally from Argentina but I grew up in New Jersey. I live in Georgia since 1996. I am a Montessori trained, Special Education Teacher.
Seven years ago, my dream of combining my passion for animals and for children came true when along with my husband, we founded Best Friends Farm, a 501(c)3 nonprofit farm animal sanctuary.
The rescued animals live their best lives as they serve as therapy for children with special needs.
What is the mission and purpose of your (nonprofit) organization?
Our mission is to provide a safe home for farm animals that have been abused or neglected. At Best Friends Farm, we provide the best care possible so that these animals can live the dignified life that they deserve. We are firm believers in the “magical” powers of the human-animal bond.
Through our summer camps, tours and therapeutic horseback riding sessions we promote a deep connection, respect and reverence for all living beings. We believe that teaching children to have empathy and compassion toward animals is a direct path to a more peaceful world.
What would you like for people to know about Best Friends Farm?
Best Friends Farm was my lifelong dream. It takes a lot of sacrifice, hard work and teamwork to run a sanctuary, but it is worth every second. We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization with no paid employees.
We support the bulk of the financial burden and physical work with our own salaries and efforts.
We do have volunteers who help immensely and we are grateful for all of our friends and family who support our mission.
What can people (in general or) who are not in contact with farm animals do to support your mission?
As a nonprofit organization, are always in great need of financial support. If somebody wants to help there are several ways to do so:
-By sponsoring an animal with a monthly donation (via our website:
-By donating whenever possible (via our website or Facebook page-Best Friends Farm)
-By becoming a Patreon : http://patreon.com/bestfriendsfarmoxford
-By choosing Best Friends Farm (drop down menu) as their charity of choice on Amazon Smile
-By volunteering
What are your long term goals for Best Friends Farm?
Our long term goal would be to be able to afford an expansion of our property so that we can help more animals. There is such a great need for homes and proper care for so many animals, we want to help as many as possible .
Thank you so much again for sharing all of this with us. Before we go, can you share with our readers how they can connect with you, learn more or show support?
Please visit our website at: https://bestfriendsfarmoxf.wixsite.com/website
Our Facebook page under Best Friends Farm
On Instagram @ bestfriend.s.farm
Amazon Smile:
ChooseBest Friends Farm as your charity of choice
Contact Info:
- Website: http://bestfriendsfarmoxf.wixsite.com/website
- Facebook: Best Friends Farm
- Linkedin: Best Friends Farm
- Other: Tik Tok: @bestfriends_farm