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Meet Donovan Rhodes

Today, we’d like to introduce you to Donovan Rhodes. Donovan was introduced to us by the brilliant and talented Lisa Janay.

Hi Donovan , we’re so thrilled to have you sharing your story with us today. Maybe we can kick things off by having you introduce yourself to our readers? We’d love to have you go into your story and how you got to where you are today.
I started making beats when I was 13 years old. I was listening to “Karate Chop” by Future and wondered what instruments were in the beat. From that point I used various DAWS to teach my self how to make beats. I began to take music serious when I was 16, turning my back on being an athlete and tapping into my more natural abilities. I’ve never learned an instrument before. I hear sounds in my head and try to replicate them. I have backgrounds in singing as well. I grew up in church all my life singing in the choir and later on joined the choir for a scholarship during my one and only year of college.

Please talk to us about your music.
My music career so far has been about personal development in many different areas that are both music and non music related. For the past few years, I’ve worked with many artists and producers from the city of Detroit and can be heard on YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Music. In more recent times, I’ve learned that making music is more than just using your creativity to create art. It’s about understanding where that creativity comes from. To do that one must understand themselves. When I was officially finished with school and started that infamous grind of a musician, life hit me like it never did before. I got into many situations good and bad that have developed my character and made me who I am and will continue to grow from today. With that I’ve gained inspiration, motivation, and discipline.

Lisa Janay and Cold Piece Boutique, Heavy Flexin Media, Heavy Flexin Apparel have been great to us and I know you’ve got a great relationship with them as well. Maybe you can tell our audience a bit about Lisa Janay and Cold Piece Boutique, Heavy Flexin Media, Heavy Flexin Apparel and your experience with them.
I’ve been watching Lisa build an empire from the ground up. She holds many great qualities naturally. She’s kind, genuine, respectful, intuitive and beautiful in many aspects. I witnessed her get laid off from her job back in 2020 during the pandemic. Instead of sitting around, she created Cold Piece Boutique. From then on she’s developed tons of knowledge and character as well as starting two more businesses, clothing line Heavy Flexin Apparel and media outlet Heavy Flexin Media. For years I’ve watched Lisa have an amazing work ethic doing things she didn’t even want to do. The discovery of her personal interest and identity on top of an insane work ethic has definitely put her on a path to becoming a successful entrepreneur and business woman. It’s amazing seeing someone stay on top of business while genuinely delivering great customer service. I personally find it motivating. The way Lisa carries herself has a direct impact on my personal and business endeavors.

Instagram: @Donatellem313

Image Credits:

Sincere Towns

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