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Meet Downtown Actress, Model, Administrative Assistant, and Writer: Valentina Ferrari

Today we’d like to introduce you to Valentina Ferrari.

Valentina, please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today?
I moved to Atlanta in 2011 when I won a scholarship to study at Georgia State University. After I graduated, I got an administrative assistant position at the School for the Deaf in Clarkston. I’ve always thought about modeling and acting but didn’t really pursue it as the right occasion never presented itself. I started doing extra work at the beginning of 2015 and making connections in the filming industry. After a few months, I was able to get on a few good projects, short movies, music videos, and commercials. I also started modeling at the beginning of 2015. Some photographers decided to get in contact with me after seeing the photos I took for my acting gigs. I wasn’t thinking any of it, but I liked the idea of doing something new so I collaborated with them. After building my portfolio, I got a contract with a promotional agency in the city. I’ve been modeling for a couple clothing lines and was able to make the cover of a local magazine. Right now I have a feature film, a talk show, and a reality show coming up. I wrote the script for the feature film as I’m also a writer and we are going to start shooting next month. I should also be on the cover or at least get a feature on three more magazines. I love Atlanta and I’m not planning on leaving anytime soon.

Has it been a smooth road?
No, it hasn’t been a smooth road. I have a son who’s almost 2. Being able to take care of him and focus on my career is one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to deal with. I love my son and put him before anything else, so sometimes I have to cancel a gig or I don’t even apply for a gig I’d really like to do because I know I won’t be able to make it. It’s a struggle but my son will always come first. Also, I was born and raised in Italy, so sometimes the language is a barrier for me in the sense that my accent may prevent me from getting a part that I think is perfect for me. But at the same time, I also stand out because of my accent so I guess it’s not completely a bad thing. And about modeling, well. There’s always going to be people telling you, you’re not pretty enough, you’re not tall enough, you’re not confident enough. I just ignore them and keep it moving.

So, what should we be on the lookout for, what’s next in store for you?
I just have one goal for my future. I wanna pursue my dreams until I have success. I’ll keep working hard until I can say I finally made it. I’d like to become a successful actress and model so I can give my son everything he needs. I want to give back to people too. Both those who helped me make it to the top and those who are in need. I know we’re talking a long time from now, but I’d love to open a homeless shelter and found a charity organization for children in Africa. That’s my very ultimate goal: provide a bright future for my kid and help people.

Let’s dig a little deeper into your story. What was the hardest time you’ve had?
Well, I guess there are two very difficult times I went through in my life and career. I think the first one is when I was in college. I had one semester left in school and that’s when I got pregnant by my boyfriend. My original plan was to go back to Italy once I graduated, so I had to rethink my entire life in a few weeks. I decided to stay in the United States – probably the best decision I’ve ever taken – and raise my son here. It’s been hard. Having a kid changes your life and requires you to sacrifice your selfish needs. But at the end of the day, I love my little boy to death and I wouldn’t change a thing. He is a true blessing. The second time I had to face something difficult was a few months ago. I had to choose between going to South Carolina and filming a movie or going to a family member’s wedding in California. I would have loved to go to California (never been there) and celebrate with my family, but I decided to stay behind and do the movie cause I know the more projects I’m in the better it’ll be for my career. To this day my family still hasn’t approved my decision and is disappointed in me thinking I skipped the wedding. It hurts me to see that sometimes they’re not supportive or they don’t understand my choices, but from what I know a lot of actors go through the same thing.

What about “Wow-moments” – any moments that stick out? Any moments when you felt like you had made it?
I guess I thought “yes, this is what I want to do” the first time I got to be a part of an indie movie. I loved it so much I was already thinking about my next project and we weren’t even finished with that one! The moment I realized I have some talent is when I wrote this script, submitted it to a few people, and got a very positive feedback. We’re going to start shooting it in November and the name of the project is Valerie. It was inspired by personal events but it went in a different direction when I started writing. I’ll play one of the characters and I’m really looking forward to it.

Both cast and crew are excited about the story I wrote and that makes me very happy. Another moment when I realized I want to be in the entertainment industry is probably when I did my first fashion show. Now I usually do prints, videos or I model for clothing lines, so a fashion show is something very different. Two clothing lines owners picked me to walk on the runway wearing their clothes. I was so nervous but the whole experience was absolutely amazing. I got to make connections with some awesome people and the show opened new (unexpected) doors for me. I went home with a big smile on my face that day.

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Image Credit:

Omar Gattis
Antoine Polk
Raul Ruletta

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