Today we’d like to introduce you to Elisia Dunwood.
Hi Elisia, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers?
Believe it or not, I started Averich Lifestyle (pronounced Ave-Rich) with my last thirty-five dollars and a prayer. I had been creating products and gifting them to my loved ones over the years. They would constantly tell me, “You should sell this!” However, in those times I didn’t view my crafting as something that could become a business for me. I stumbled onto something about body butter one day and said to myself, “I can make that!” It also made me curious about what I was putting on my body. I started doing tons of research for months before I even begin to try formulating a recipe. I am so grateful for my loved ones supporting and encouraging me during those times. When all I had was my last thirty-five dollars, that I was somehow supposed to make stretch for two weeks, mind you and a prayer of blind faith. The constant growth of my business has been a real testimony to that ever since.
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey have been a fairly smooth road?
Much like any new adventure, it has not been a smooth road. Although I had an idea of what I wanted to do, I didn’t have a real blueprint to this when I started. By God’s gifting, I am great with my hands and creating comes naturally to me. However, transitioning from a hobby to a side hustle and then a full “let’s make this official!” the business has not been as easy a journey as I had envisioned when I first prayed that prayer of faith. I had to learn how to properly formulate products as I continued to grow collections beyond solely offering body butter. I had to learn things like branding and marketing. As an introvert, I am constantly working to challenge myself in staying on the frontline and marketing my products. I also had to learn what solutions I’m providing and who my target consumers are. In growing, I have invested in things prematurely and have had to do some corrections, upgrades and etc. I truly view Averich Lifestyle as my baby because it’s something that I birthed from thought and faith. Watching it continuously grow has truly been an encouragement for my confidence in not only my creativity but in who I am created to be.
Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
I am a skincare creator. I offer handmade body butter, body scrubs, and beard balms. I am currently working on formulas to expand further into soap, oils, and hair care products. Although I am extremely proud of all of my products, I am known for my body butter. They are reviewed so highly that I’ve had to add disclaimers of wearing them at your own risk! As I am not responsible for unplanned pregnancies. They smell just that enticing and feel just that amazing! What sets me apart is that Averich Lifestyle is more than just a business for me. Creating is my namaste, when I’m “in the lab” as I like to say, that’s my place of peace. When I get reviews about how much my customers are enjoying my products, it floods my heart with joy. Especially the reviews from customers that say my products not only make their skin feel amazing but it changes their mood for the better. That brings me the most joy! I want customers to feel just as happy as I do when I’m creating products for them. Averich Lifestyle is like a creative therapy session that I just so happens to get to share with the world!
What would you say have been one of the most important lessons you’ve learned?
To give myself the grace to grow. I had this notion that when I think of a thing, I’m supposed to make it just happen seemingly overnight. I felt like I was supposed to have it all together right then and there. That’s just not how life works at all. Creating and growing a business has humbled my unhealthy delusion and self expectancy of that. Watching myself grow as an entrepreneur has been such a rewarding process in this journey. Also to become comfortable in allowing others to help me grow. I’m accustomed to being hyper-independent, so asking for or allowing others to help me was a challenge for me. It wasn’t even on a prideful note. My hyper-independence stemmed from a place of not wanting to be a burden to anyone else. Coming to the realization that it was okay that I didn’t know everything was one moment of grace. Knowing I had a support system of friends around me who are willing to jump in and help me has been the best feeling of grace.
Contact Info:
- Website: averichlifestyle.com
- Instagram: _imjustebaby_
- Twitter: _TheALC_
Image Credits
Photographer’s Instagram: walkwithenoch