Today we’d like to introduce you to Erica Edwards. Them and their team share their story with us below:
Our daughter, Carle Emery Edwards, was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder at 21 months old. This is considered an early diagnosis and paved the way for early intervention. In her case, early intervention has consisted of physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, feeding therapy, ABA therapy, Georgia’s Babies Can’t Wait program, & Project Impact. Prior to interventions, she wasn’t walking, walking talking, wasn’t self-feeding, wasn’t imitating, wasn’t responding to her name being called, wasn’t doing pretend play, and wasn’t following any commands. She was diagnosed as Level 3 ASD. She is now doing all of those things and more. We were actually told that she wouldn’t walk independently in foreseeable future. Not only is she walking, she is also running, climbing, & kicking. Her story gives us an opportunity to advocate for early diagnosis and early intervention, specifically in the black community. Representation is important. Visibility is important. There were a lot of internet searches when we were looking for answers for our daughter. We know that this is often the case when families are looking for answers. We launched our social media sites, Carle Emery’s World, with the goal of offering hope to those families. These sites chronicle our journey as we navigate an autism diagnosis while gentle parenting. Early intervention changed the trajectory of our daughter’s life and we want the same for others. This is why we decided to share what we do on a daily basis to ensure that Carle Emery is not defeated by this diagnosis.
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
It has not been a smooth road. We’ve encountered bias, as many black people do when seeking healthcare services. Carle has been prematurely discharged from therapies, which has led to lapses in care. We’ve definitely encountered healthcare professionals who assumed her struggles were environmental. Her progress was initially slow and we were told she wasn’t progressing as quickly as expected. This around the time when we were told she wouldn’t walk independently and needed a gait trainer. This was all pre-diagnosis and before we started receiving care at Marcus Autism Center. Since she was diagnosed at Marcus Autism Center and the experts there have been guiding her care, things have been going really, really well.
Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
I’m a board-certified family practice physician, social media content creator, parent coach, and most importantly an Autism Mom. I’m known for being an autism advocate, early intervention advocate, & advocate of gentle and compassionate parenting. I’m most proud of my daughter Carle Emery, and all that she has accomplished. She is a beautiful, sweet, intelligent little girl. She has an affinity for numbers and letters. She loves to count. She loves to sing. She loves playing doctor and playing with her dolls. Her favorite place is the beach and she learns best through real-world experiences and hands-on activities. My ability to navigate the healthcare system is what sets me apart from others. As a physician, I’m an expert in evidenced based medicine and know standards of care. Due to this, I know when Carle’s care deviates from the standard and can act quickly to rectify this. I have the ability to compel healthcare professionals to act in my daughter’s best interest when they aren’t doing so. I also know when to seek new care. I also know how to read and interpret studies, so fact-checking comes naturally to me. This has all helped my daughter and is one of the reasons she is doing so well. I’ve also been able to coach other parents in this area who have found me via social media our social media sites.
So, before we go, how can our readers or others connect or collaborate with you? How can they support you?
Youtube & Facebook: Carle Emery’s World
Instagram: @carle_emery
Tiktok: @carleemery
I respond to direct messages on all social media platforms.
Contact Info:
- Instagram: carle_emery
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CarleEmery
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh417VV1-3E6wYsAC_a8yOw?si=ELPmzJkDCLju2KnD5oyZMQ
- Other: https://www.tiktok.com/@carleemery?_t=8WXLRGHJN8g&_r=1
Image Credits
Kendrick Varela