Today we’d like to introduce you to Haru.
Haru, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
Growing up, my father worked as a programmer and software developer. None of this interested me. It was when he came home late, sat on the couch, turned the tv on and pulled out a pen and sheet of paper and started drawing. My father would draw anything I could describe to him and make it come to life on a piece of paper. This is when saw him the happiest. The apple surely doesn’t fall far from the tree. I aimed to be as amazing of an artist as he was. Each day I would practice and try to recreate his drawings. Eventually, I started winning awards at school for my artwork and that’s when my parents realized my passion and artistic talent. Even though I was self-taught as an artist, art was always around me and I was constantly being inspired.
When I was eight years old, the movie ‘Spirited Away’ aired for the first time on TV. It was 10 pm on a school night and already way past my curfew. I begged my dad allow me to watch it. He stayed up with me and watched the entire movie with the same level of enthusiasm and jaw-dropping expressions as I portrayed. That was the day I knew, I wanted to become an animator. All of my cousins have aspired to become doctors and engineers and here I was introducing to my family the idea of me becoming an animator. It was a very difficult subject to introduce to my family, and I had been turned down many times. It was during the end of my high school where I took on my own abilities and used social media as a platform to expand myself as an artist. I started taking on commissions on twitter (@Harisasheikh) and Instagram(@Hari.sa).
Eventually, I was freelancing and making money by the age of 16. I started making logos for my neighbor’s company and even build her sign for her Consignment Store “Psycho Sister’s”. My father was the first person who noticed my burning desire to become an artist and pushed me to apply to art schools. When I got accepted to Savannah College of Art and Design, it was a huge step for me entering into the real world full of competitive artists. This was the first time I ever seen so many people with the same passion as me. It took immense will power and sleepless nights, but eventually I did it. I became the first person in my family to get a BFA degree in animation. With this degree, I became more serious in my freelancing and started collaborating with other artists. I also realized I had a natural talent for character design. The first time I drew a character design of an artist was ‘Lil Skies’ – I recreated a shot from his music video ‘I’. My heart stopped beating for a good second when I saw his response to my work. I knew at that point I was doing something right and I will never stop working hard. Doing something you’re passionate about should never feel like work and I am glad I chose this path.
Great, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
It has never been a smooth road for me. I always questioned myself. Being from an Asian background I had my future already thought out for me, just like all of my cousins. I had the option of being either a doctor or an engineer. I always felt somewhat of a failure or a burden to my family, taking on my decision of becoming an artist. I felt that nobody in my family ever took me seriously. I had this regret in my heart and didn’t know if what I was doing was right at a certain point. I was ready to give up. All of the friends I made and people I have worked for made me realize that there’s a job for all of us, and life doesn’t have just two paths lined up for you, sometimes you have to follow your heart and let it take you to places you only dreamed of. I am so thankful for everyone who supported me throughout my struggles. Many of them are the reason I finished school and I am where I am today.
We’d love to hear more about your work and what you are currently focused on. What else should we know?
I am a freelance artist. I have a BFA in Animation. I have studied Graphic Design and Illustration as well. I make animated music videos for growing artists and I focus strongly on character designs. I make personalized snapchat filters for special events. I also make logo designs as well as sticker, t-shirt and phone case designs, which I sell on the Redbubble platform. What sets me apart from others is that my work is strongly based off of my clients references and descriptions… I have the ability to mimic different styles and, I also include influences in my work from a variety of cultures.
What moment in your career do you look back most fondly on?
The proudest moment of my career was having my followers tell me how much they enjoy seeing my work. This never fails to bring a smile to my face. It always makes me so happy when I am able to share my story and experience on how I became an artist. I realized that there’s so many people out there just like me, who have struggled in making the decision of becoming an artist, and I want to be an inspiration to them. It was a huge moment for me when rappers like ‘Lil Skies’, social influencers such as ‘Farah Dukai’ and the actors like ‘Mousa Kraish’ from American Gods noticed my work as well. I knew that I chose the right career, and I will never lose faith in my work or let my passion die.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.harisasheikh.com
- Email: sheikharisa@gmail.com
- Other: https://www.redbubble.com/people/Falooda
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