Today we’d like to introduce you to Hunter Blalock.
Every artist has a unique story. Can you briefly walk us through yours?
I was raised in the rural area of NorthWest Georgia. I was surrounded by family my entire childhood, including my grandparents, who lived right next door, where I spent most of my time. Although none of my immediate family were musicians, my grandfather pushed my brother towards playing guitar because he always wanted to play himself but never learned. My brother quickly laid it down, and when he did, I picked it up. Thirteen years later, I have no intentions of putting it down. I have been writing songs, or attempting to since I was a kid and see it as a very therapeutic process and feel lucky to have an outlet to tell the stories I feel need to be told.
Please tell us about your art.
I am a songwriter.
I’m an American artist, and I try my best to make the most honest music possible.
I write songs that come from a real place, about real people, and real experiences. Though every song is not an autobiography, they all have small pieces of my life and myself in each of them. John Prine taught me that every song doesn’t have to be about yourself to write like it is. I try to make music that can be related to, music you can find yourself in. I want to make people feel things. I think in today’s world, so many people are afraid of certain subjects, stories, or imperfection in itself. I wanna make music that represents the real side of life. The one without a filter.
Something honest and real.
We often hear from artists that being an artist can be lonely. Any advice for those looking to connect with other artists?
Not that I have anything figured out myself, but if I were to give advice I would say just get out there. Go to showcases, open mics, other artists shows. Submerge yourself in creative people. Just reach out, and you’ll find you can meet some amazing folks.
How or where can people see your work? How can people support your work?
You can find my music, tour dates, & more at hunterblalockmusic.com.
I am in the process of recording my debut record, “Cherokee Hills,” to be released fall of 2019 via Dirty Peach Records. Until then, you can enjoy my ep, ‘Live at The Oak House.’ Pick one up on my website or at a live show!
Contact Info:
- Website: www.hunterblalockmusic.com
- Phone: 7706084326
- Email: hunterblalockbooking@gmail.com
- Instagram: https://deskgram.net/hunterwblalock
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hunterblalockofficial/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/hunterblalock72?lang=en
- Other: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnk536cZgqaagNsdz0xe9SQ
Image Credit:
Just A Fan Photography
Butterdean Photography
Candi Blalock Photograpghy
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