Today, we’d like to introduce you to J Rashad. J was introduced to us by the brilliant and talented A:M Almighty.
J, can you walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
I would always be caught in the middle of the craziest situations but would keep my honest opinion under wraps. I had friends tell me I was the funniest person they knew and I should consider starting a youtube page to express my thoughts on various things happening in the world the same I would during personal conversations. I never took any of those suggestions seriously until last year. I started a podcast called “What Should I Call My Podcast” , at least until I decide on an official name. My friends and I have used the platform as a way to get our outrageous points and jokes out to anyone who would listen, and I must say its been a pretty dope experience so far.
We’ve heard great things about your organization. For our readers who might not be as familiar, can you please tell them about the organization?
If you’re looking to be entertained, educated in a way, or just wanna have fun you should tune in. I am most proud of the fact that I can take the stress from someone’s day with constant laughs.
So, as we mentioned to our audience earlier, you were introduced to us by A:M Almighty and we really admire him and what he has built. For folks who might not be as familiar, can you tell them a bit about your experience with A:M.
I met A:M at a sales job back in 2014. Since then we have worked together on several projects. I served as a stage hand for the “Mmhmm” video and he gave me a chance to be in front on the lens for his most recent single “Elevators”. My favorite project from A:M is Siloah, because it showcased the lyrical style and with me being a huge fan of battle rap, that project remains on my playlist til this day.
Instagram: J_Rashad__
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/pCeZ3TPiwunkuJcCA