We’re so pumped about our conversation with Jamilah Conway. Jamilah is a Fitness Trainer, Nutrition Specialist and is also a content partner. Content partners help Voyage in so many ways from spreading the word about the work that we do, sponsoring our mission and collaborating with us on content like this. Check out our conversation with Jamilah below.
Jamilah, it’s been too long since we last connected. Thanks so much for taking the time to share your thoughts with our community again. Some readers might have missed our prior conversations, so maybe you can kick things off for us with a quick intro?
My name is Jamilah Conway. I am from Southside Chicago, IL currently reside in Atlanta, GA. From a young age, I have always had a vision of helping others that want a better lifestyle with proper health and wellness services that are tailored to their needs. I have been in the Health & Wellness industry for over 13 yrs. Throughout my career, I had the opportunity to expand my education, and network. Educating everyone to take control of their health is my ultimate goal with my company JCXSHRED LLC.
How did you overcome your biggest obstacle and what advice would you give to entrepreneurs?
During my career, I’ve faced many obstacles. Not all things are peachy cream, especially being a business owner. My biggest obstacle was trying to manage saving money to put towards my career and be able to pay my bills after quitting my job to pursue my dreams. This was the time I had to mentally prepare myself to take on this obstacle. It was not always easy to pick up on side hustles and expect everything to work out. This taught me to expect the unexpected and that the word impossible really means “I’m Possible.” Pursuing my dreams full time taught me patience and to enjoy each day rather big or small. Not only did I have the courage to leave both of my jobs, but I gained patience, peace, and joy in the end. Advice I would give to entrepreneurs is that life is what you truly make it and with Faith and Mediation will help clear your mind to conquer the world in any shape or foam. Always keep your crowd held high because everyone is destined for greatness!
What are you doing differently due to the pandemic?
When the pandemic first started, I was working night shift as a server. Of course my nerves got bad because this never happened before and I couldn’t make out what exactly to do. Standing in my uniform with no tables to wait on, I left to finally do what I love and be stress free for once. When I told my managers that I am departing from my position. Once I left, I then went full speed with creating more content for myself and my company. While creating content for my services, I took my talents to youtube. I created many fruit and veggie smoothies videos along with diverse workout videos with little to no equipment. We are currently accepting clients virtually and in person until we are able to fully have our services in person. We created more interactive virtual challenges to help with the pandemic stress and worries. Our challenges help our potential client(s) jump start their health and wellness goal(s) while having a virtual coach 24/7.
What does your company name mean and how did you come up with it?
JCXSHRED LLC means the owners first and last initial, “X” meaning to take out all unhealthy choices and replace it with healthier options to be able to live long and wise. “SHRED” meaning losing all unwanted fat and weak muscles through proper fitness and nutrition. I thought of the name because of my purpose in life and principles behind my company’s services. All of my hard work really speaks for itself.
What is your definition of holistic wellness?
Holistic Wellness means mind, body and soul. When you eat better your body reacts differently to certain illnesses, your mental health is clear, your less stress about the small things that once bothered you. This plays a factor with what you feed your body on the daily bases. Holistic in my terms means, (“Getting your sh*t together!”) without the negativity we feed our mind, body and soul rather that be from listening to lyrical songs, negative thinking, or simply negative self talk.
What’s else is new? Anything else you’d like to share with our readers?
I completed my first poetry book this year and many more to come. My book is available on my poetry and art business website and on Amazon. This book is a freestyle poetry book with a twist. During this read, you may feel my pain, cry, smile or simply trying to understand what you just read. I want everyone to know this beautiful book is LGBTQ friendly and you must be 21 yrs or older to read it.
Alright, so before we go, how can our readers connect with you to learn more and show support?
Thank you’ll for learning more about me and I hope I can be an inspiration towards everyone. Feel free to support!
JCXSHREDLLC (Fitness & Nutrition): https://www.jcxshred.com/home
ADLPLLC (Retail, Poetry, Art & More): https://www.artdelapoesie.com/shop
Book On Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0979XV458/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_R595FQ6WG8TEQFPPCM2Y
Personal Instagram: @OFFICIALMILAHHH
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamilah-conway-147481115/
Contact Info:
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamilah-conway-147481115
- Youtube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCn3WJz6qLY22xPVjSOSO7aw
- Other: ADLPLLC (Retail, Poetry, Art & More): https://www.artdelapoesie.com/shop
Book On Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0979XV458/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_R595FQ6WG8TEQFPPCM2Y
Personal Instagram: @OFFICIALMILAHHH
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamilah-conway-147481115/
Image Credits
Vibrant Vizuals Photography, JCXSHREDLLC, Jamilah Conway