Today we’d like to introduce you to Janea’ Harris.
Hi Janea’, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today?
In 2012, I left Columbia, SC and tried to go back home to the city I was born and raised in Savannah, GA. Trying to find help as a single mom but I was homeless, broken and encountered domestic violence by one of my children’s dad; who is currently serving time in prison. I was in a very low place in my life where I felt hopeless, lost, and confused. After the incident occurred, I went to live with my father to get back on my feet, but days later a sheriff knocked on the door to give me more bad news. My child’s dad who just tried to kill me hired a lawyer to help him get custody of my child. It was that very moment I felt so betrayed and felt as if someone had ripped my whole heart out of my chest. I looked my father in the eyes and asked him what should I do and how do I handle the situation? But all he could do was look at me and say, “Baby I can’t help you this time” That was the first time I heard my father ever say that to me. With tears in my eyes, I went outside in my car and poured my heart out to the one person I was introduced to since I was a little girl by my great grandma, GOD! As the tears were rolling down my face, I cried out to GOD and said GOD if you get me out of this situation I promise to serve you for the rest of my life and do what you want me to do. I also told GOD that I will no longer stand in his way and try to do things on my own, my way.
The next couple of days, I got a phone call from a very large construction company in Savannah, GA that I applied to offering me a position. I accepted the position. Then about two weeks later, I received a call from the Department of Social Services in Columbia, SC offering me a better position with higher pay as a case manager for SNAP and TANF services. I accepted the position and immediately moved back to Columbia, SC with nothing. I left my two kids at the time with my father and I went to live with one of my friends until I was able to get back on my feet. I also did what I told GOD I was going to do and that was join a church. I served faithfully and was attending consistently just as I promised.
As the months passed, I was able to get a stable home for my children to come live with me in Columbia, SC. I was promoted on my job and the petition for my daughter’s dad to receive custody of her was thrown out of court after I replied within 30 days with a written letter explaining why he shouldn’t receive custody. Day after day of going into work and watching the families come in and out of the department looking for help, lost and hopeless. I began to start praying and asking GOD for direction. So one day as I thought I was still trying to find myself I started researching mentoring programs. Particularly mentoring programs that offered 1-1 mentoring. Sadly, there were no mentoring programs that could help me. But something sparked in me and visions of my past began to flash before me. Reminding me of when I became a teenage mom at the age of 15 (looking for a mentor), how it affected me to see 3 of my brothers experience long prison sentences at the age of 18(looking for a mentor), my oldest brother being murdered in 2008 at the age of 21(Looking for a mentor), being homeless several times at the age of 23(looking for a mentor), and just survived Domestic Violence at the age of 25(Looking for a mentor). At that moment, it fell in my spirit to start a nonprofit organization that would provide youth and young adults with a mentor, 1 on 1 that could help them navigate through life so they wouldn’t succumb to their negative environments due to lack of support just as I did over the years.
Therefore, it wasn’t until then I realized I was actually raised in a very dysfunctional home and I can identify with those families I was seeing on a daily basis at work that were being overlooked and counted out. Which pushed me into providing education and resources to disadvantaged(at-risk) youth and their families by intervention and prevention programs. I grew my organization from 2012-2020 in Columbia, SC by connecting with the Alternative Schools, HBCU’s, youth organizations, Department of Juvenile Justice, and any other state or gov’t agency. I relocated to Atlanta in 2020 to provide the same programs and services. Since being in Atlanta for the past 18 months with my boots on the ground, I’ve built an amazing team of individuals that helps me to assist many youth and their families in several counties. I built relationships with other youth organizations and state and gov’t agencies. I also have multiple partnerships with different agencies and companies that provide counseling, therapeutic workshops, and a plethora of resources to assist the youth of my agency by giving them an opportunity to pursue a career or become an entrepreneur.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Absolutely not! The biggest struggle for me was being a single mom losing most of my family, childhood friends, and friends I’ve had relationships with for over 10-20 years. Because of those losses I battled with mental health really badly to the point I was very depressed and suicidal. Some days would be so hard for me that I didn’t feel I was worthy enough to be helping others while the ones I thought loved me were supposed to be supporting me. It made me angry and sad. It was so bad I was questioning my ability to lead, serve, and accept the people around me who actually had my best interest at heart.
Eventually as the year’s passed, I realized that your family don’t necessarily have to be blood. It could be those people that come into your life that love on you with pure intentions and a genuine heart. As far as friends, I learned that real friends support you and show you love unconditionally, not only under conditions.
Now that I’ve identified what the dynamics of a healthy family and friendship looks like. My life is thriving due to those healthy relationships I have built with my new family and friends.
Appreciate you sharing that. What else should we know about what you do?
As a military veteran, I currently manage my non-profit organization O.N.F.I.Y.A. AGENCY, INC full time. I spend most of my days in meetings that will help towards the success of the youth enrolled into my S.T.A.M.P. Mentoring program so they can become self-sufficient. I search for mentors who have impactful stories and don’t mind being a part of their youth and family lives for six months. I connect with agencies, organizations, and companies that can partner with my agency to assist with services I provide. I specialize in the overall wellbeing of youth and their families becoming successful in spite of their current disadvantaged situations. I am known for impacting the lives of those around me by my prayers, my story, my strength, my authenticity, my genuineness, and perseverance. I am also known for giving others the education and resources to pick up the broken pieces to build a better future. Also, I currently serve as an advisor for Clayton County Commissioners Office of Youth Services for the Legislative and Social Injustice committee.
I am most proud of my resilience. I have survived, conquered, and accomplished the things others said I couldn’t with all odds stacked against me. I am the 1st to join the military at 18, graduate from college with a degree at 21, and own a home in my family at the age of 27(as a single mom of 2 children), along with so many other accolades throughout my professional career.
It’s my realness that sets me apart from others. It’s my ability to not be afraid to share my truths unapologetically. It’s the love and compassion I have in my heart for all those I have an encounter with. I give with a pure heart rather a person is in need or not. I stand up for what is right and I entertain the things that will empower me so my love tank can stay full to love on those around me without any conditions. Most importantly, I take all of the bricks that were thrown at me to sank me and I break them into pieces and use them as stepping stones to get me to the next level of my greatest achievements.
How do you define success?
Success for me is accomplishing your dreams and goals that enhance your life. Success is operating in a state of stability financially, mentally, and emotionally. Constantly working towards a healthy lifestyle in spite of the odds you’re up against. Success is immeasurable in my eyes. It could never be too small or too big. Success is operating at your fullest potential daily.
Contact Info:
- Email: j.harris@onfiyaagency.org
- Website: www.onfiyaagency.org
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/onfiya_m_inc
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ONFIYAAGENCYINC