We’re so pumped about our conversation with Jennifer Champagne. Jennifer is a Publicist and is also a content partner. Content partners help Voyage in so many ways from spreading the word about the work that we do, sponsoring our mission and collaborating with us on content like this. Check out our conversation with Jennifer below.
Hi Jennifer, so great to have you join us again. For folks who might have missed our earlier conversations, can you please take a minute to briefly introduce yourself?
My name is Jennifer Heyward Champagne and I am co-Owner of the STS MAGAZINE BRAND, SUCCESS TO STARDOM PR and HCG RENTALS. I have been self-employed since age 20.
How did you start your career in the PR/advertising field?
It was actually by accident. I used to do music reviews via MySpace and would write blogs regarding new music. A producer from Atlanta requested my friendship and asked me to write reviews and share his artist on my page. I was paid 75.00 to do this. Once other producers, artists started realizing the value in promoting via MySpace they reached out. I was paid 75.00 per song and I wrote press releases. I would have exclusive content on my page. It went from there. I started attending and creating events for those artists as well.
What makes your company unique?
We are minority owned, lgbtq, female owned and operated company. We produce 6 magazines monthly from Sports to Entertainment.
Since your last interview what are some things that have changed for you and your brand?
Not only did I get married but I also gained a new business partner. We have expanded our networks to Sports arena. We had the pleasure of providing Media coverage for former NBA player Jumaine Jones. Our magazines have reached over 10 million views.
What is your business motto?
Our business motto is #weworkoverhere.
Where do you see yourself in the next year?
We see our magazine brand expanding into real estate and weddings.
Alright, so before we go, how can our readers connect with you to learn more and show support?
Of course! You can reach us at
Email stsbrandingandmarketing@gmail.com
Contact Info:
- Website: Www.successtostardompr.com
- Facebook: StsMagazines and Success To Stardom PR
- Linkedin: Jennifer Champagne
Image Credits
Credits Jennifer Champagne