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Meet John and Joseph Kalina of The Kalina Brothers Real Estate Team in North Metro (Gwinnett County)

Today we’d like to introduce you to John and Joseph Kalina.

John and Joseph, can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
Our story, like many stories, must be traced back to where it all started…even before we spoke our very first word…which just so happened to be “SOLD” by the way. Our story began with a beautiful couple who decided to get hitched and start a family just outside of Atlanta, Georgia in the magical land known as Gwinnett County.

A hard working father and a mother devoted to her Real Estate career helped raise three young boys into the men they are today. During their adolescence, the boys went through a lot together. They always got into trouble, they fought each other, they scorned each other, they even learned from one another… but most importantly…they stuck together. Through the years, they worked out their differences and learned what it meant to run their own business by managing their very own Rock ‘n’ Roll band. Blood, sweat, and tears were shed in order to keep their calendars booked playing at the hottest stages in Atlanta and beyond! Those days of shredding and melting faces are far behind them and the three brothers have chosen other paths of righteousness to fill their calendars.

Jim, the eldest of the three, has gone on to live out his own destiny in the pursuit of making people beautiful beyond their wildest dreams. He is changing people’s lives and giving them confidence; one split end at a time. Read more about him in his edition of Voyage ATL.

Joseph and John went on to follow in their mother’s footsteps. One late night, towards the end of their musical conquest, John said unto Joseph: “It’s the end of the line…I think it’s time we make a change.” Joseph felt it in his bones. They’ve both avoided their true calling for too long…The Kalina Brothers’ journey into Real Estate had just begun!

So just six short years ago they shifted their thinking and transformed into real estate experts! They formulated the perfect team by combining their extensive real estate knowledge with their ability to capture an audience through entertainment…this team was forever know as…The Kalina Brothers!

Great, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Smooth is probably the last word we’d use (any realtor would agree, I’m sure), but we have been extremely blessed and…in less cordial terms…lucky as hell. It took both of us roughly a year after we obtained our license to quit our day jobs. Even when we finally did gather the courage to give up our stable, consistent bi-weekly paycheck, we probably struggled to pay our bills for at least another year. Anyone who works for 100% commission can appreciate the struggle, especially in the Real Estate industry. We call it: “The Real Estate Wave”. But again, we were lucky enough to have our Mom just a phone call away if we needed guidance. But that was another struggle. We never wanted to rely on our Mom to gain our momentum and success, so we went off on our own pretty quickly. Call it arrogance if you’d like, but to be honest, we just wanted to make sure WE were the catalyst to our success. It was a sort of…test. And we passed! Things are better than ever now.

The Kalina Brothers Real Estate Team – what should we know? What do you guys do best? What sets you apart from the competition?
We are “The Kalina Brothers” ….did I mention that already?

We help guide people to make the right decisions so that they can successfully achieve the “American Dream”! The “American Dream” being home-ownership in this particular case. We first started selling real estate individually, but we soon found out that people were referring to us as “The Property Brothers of Georgia” (or Atlanta). That was repeated to us so many times that we came to this conclusion: We are in fact: “The Property Brothers of Georgia.”

Soooo we ran with it. Except we are very fond of our lineage and our family name, so we created “The Kalina Brothers” and it has stuck ever since.

I like to think that we are known for amazing service and for treating every client like FAMILY because that’s what we are and that’s who we care about. One of our greatest flaws is probably the fact that we DO care so much. Almost every one of our clients legitimately becomes an instant friend (I’m not lying).

Our philosophy is simple. We strongly believe that there are already too many huge teams and real estate companies that just view their clients as NUMBERS…that’s why we strive to earn our clients’ friendship by treating them with the same level of respect as we would our family. Every. Single. Time.

What moment in your career do you look back most fondly on?
That’s a tough one. We’ve made it over so many hurdles that we take pride in and we make sure we never forget a single one. A lot of the milestones we’ve crossed have even surprised US!

I think we both work really hard to make ourselves proud (and each other) every single day to further justify that we are doing the right thing. As I said previously, the “right thing” in our eyes is treating every client like family. So as cliche as it may be, I feel that we don’t have just one PROUDEST moment. The moments that make us proudest are not the obstacles that we overcome, but instead it’s the little moments that we’re privileged to be a part of…like

When our sellers walk home with more in their pocket than expected, so they’re able to rest easy….

When a buyer finally gets settled in her new home to make the dream come true of starting a family….

When our clients embrace us with excitement at the closing table, like one of their own….

Cheesy or not, it’s true! We love each and every person who becomes a part of The Kalina Brothers Family!


  • Buyer Representation – FREE
  • Market Analysis on your home – FREE
  • Multiple Guaranteed Offer Consultation – FREE
  • The Kalina Brothers Family Induction – FREE 🙂

Contact Info:

Suggest a story: VoyageATL is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.

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