Today we’d like to introduce you to KB2FUNNY.
KB, before we jump into specific questions about your work, why don’t you give us some details about you and your story.
I knew at a young age I was a funny person. People would laugh when I would talk or tell stories, even though I was serious. I just thought I was a talkative person, so I didn’t think anything of it. I spent my whole life thinking I wanted to be a movie director until one day. A coworker said: “you must be a comedian?” This is when things changed for me, I had never really considered myself funny or thought I could get up on a stage and be funny on command. I started paying closer attention to when my coworkers and friends laughed at the things I said and made notes. This is when I found out people laughed and connected with the stories about how I was raised and my relationship with my mother.
This revaluation caused me to have to reflect on how I wanted to move forward with pursuing my comedy career. My mother always had a rule growing up. “Whatever happens in this house stays in this house!” So I wasn’t sure how I would move forward because telling a few people these stories was different from telling the world. I had to find my own happiness and work through a lot of the trauma from my childhood through therapy. This is where I learned that I’m allowed to tell my story and talk about the things that happened to me. It’s my story too! It’s my place to speak about my business. While working through therapy, I found myself, which allowed me to get on the stage at the laughing skill lounge confidently and there was no looking back from there.
Overall, has it been relatively smooth? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?
Not smooth. One of my biggest obstacles is not always feeling funny. I have PTSD from my childhood traumas and my relationship with my mom. Some of my funniest material comes from stories based around these traumas. My mother doesn’t like that I am gay and she hates the way I look and that I naturally grow a beard. She always set out to try to fix me and spent my whole adolescence trying to teach me how to be a “proper straight woman” who knew how to get and please a man. I have some true horror stories but I learned how to turn all these things into a positive.
To this day when I see things that remind me of my mother or women who look like her I have to focus on not having a panic attack. A lot of people don’t understand that PTSD, anxiety, and depression can happen to anyone. I didn’t get it at first either until my wife introduced me to therapy.
There are times where my mental health gets me down. But through therapy I’m able to work through these emotions and let go of some of the anger and hurt I feel about my traumas. There are times where I get down and don’t feel like doing anything funny much less get on stage, but then I go to therapy and work through the things I didn’t even understand was bothering me.
Please tell us about your work.
I am Kb2funny, “the bearded lady of comedy.” I didn’t create the character I am the character. I am more than an entertainer. I am a business and leader. I may be known for making you laugh, but I also strive to make an impact on everyone I meet. My purpose is to save someone’s life. Through comedy, communication, and just being myself, I will do so. I truly believe a conversation or a joke can change someone’s life. Outside of my comedy, I cohost a YouTube podcast called BIGSmallTALK with my business partner Jimmyy Lucci. We use this platform to promote positivity, talk about real issues, and break down some big topics with a little bit of small talk. We just started this venture in January and are excited to continue to grow our following.
What is “success” or “successful” for you?
For me, I always thought success was becoming rich and famous, but I know now being rich and famous means nothing if you are not living in your purpose. I feel like they truly go hand in hand. My purpose is to speak to people through my comedy and stories so we can process our traumas together and I can help them find the healing I have found. I can accomplish this purpose by using platforms and resources that are available to the rich and famous. Life and the universe are way bigger than we are taught to think. Every day I can feel my ancestors speaking to me and the energy of the universe pushing me towards greatness and the path that will guide me toward successfully walking in my purpose.
Contact Info:
- Email: kb2funnyatl@gmail.com
- Instagram: @kb2funny_
- Facebook: Kb2funny
- Twitter: @kb2funny
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