Today we’d like to introduce you to King Hazel.
Hi King, we’re thrilled to have a chance to learn your story today. So, before we get into specifics, maybe you can briefly walk us through how you got to where you are today?
I started off music at the age of 13, singing bass in a church choir. The name of the church is Riverdale first baptist. I started writing my own music at the age of 16. I started rapping in 2009. Today, I had a billboard by GA State. I have been mentioned on Saycheesetv twice. I have eight music videos out on youtube. My record Richie Rich played on Hot 107.9. I have two eps out & 14 single out on all platforms. I am an unsigned artist.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
I definitely had ups & downs. I would say the struggle was finding myself within the music & being open with telling my story. I had to learn how to stay consistent. That was a challenge to me. I had to stop overthinking & just go with the flow & letting things come to me. I even had a time when I almost gave up on myself. The pressure got to me. I had to keep going. I never realized the support I had when I really wasn’t paying attention to it. I felt like I was giving up on too many people that was really cheering me on.
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I would say I’m most known for keeping my audience surprised & engaged to my content. I am most proud of all the Billboard. I’m also proud of being on the radio Hot 107.9. what separates me from the rest I’m not rapping about violence. I am just being true two my story. I am doing all this independently. The other thing that separates me from the rest is my hunger for music. I feel like many get satisfied where there are. I always strive for more. I also realized many focus on money. I’m chasing the dream. That’s what separates me from others.
Alright so before we go can you talk to us a bit about how people can work with you, collaborate with you or support you?
You can reach out on my social media. You can follow me on Instagram & Twitter @1kinghazel. I am willing to work with any artist long as you are serious bout your craft. A way you can support subscribing to my YouTube Kinghazel. You can interact to my content. Like comment all count as support. You can come to my shows. You can stream my music on Apple and Spotify. You can pay attention to anything I have going on revolving my music. I want my supporters to actually stick around and support me on my journey to greatness in this music industry.
Contact Info:
- Instagram: 1KingHazel
- Twitter: 1KingHazel
- Youtube: KingHazel-
Image Credits
SimpleEye Photography