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Meet Marietta Portrait Photographer: Quincy Houston

Today we’d like to introduce you to Quincy Houston.

Quincy, please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today?
My photography career began after my freshmen year of Morehouse. It was during that summer that I participated in a photoshoot for a friend who attended the Art Institute of Atlanta. During our time together, she had trouble getting the correct exposure. After playing around with her camera for a while, I grew an interest and decided to purchase my own camera. During that time I shot everyday, I eventually attended a few classes at the Art Institute myself. After a few classes, I started to freelance and went into business for myself. And the rest is history.

Has it been a smooth road?
Let’s say it’s been a journey. A personal one and as an entrepreneur.

Tell us about your childhood, what were you like growing up?
Growing up, I was raised in Vicksburg, MS for the most part as well as here in Georgia. I was a smart kid ,was always curious .I loved nature and exploring. I was very athletic and pretty fast, so I had a natural talent for sports.Living in Atlanta was cool, it opened my horizons to new opportunities.

Is there a specific memory from when you were younger that you really miss?
One of my favorite childhood memories would have to be field day it was like the little kid’s version of the Olympics

So, what should we be on the lookout for, what’s next in store for you?
Our plans for the future involve working with more brand and future clients who align with our brand’s vision and mission. We believe it’s important to work with clients who share similar values and beliefs. We also want to aid in the community by helping educate, teach, and create other projects for younger professionals & entrepreneurs.

Contact Info:

  • Website:
  • Phone: 6786294810
  • Email:
  • Instagram: @flyyguyyq
  • Facebook: Quincy Houston

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Image Credit:
Big Krit- A3C festival

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