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Meet Moksha Rao

Today we’d like to introduce you to Moksha Rao.

Moksha, please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today?
I was born in Bombay, India, and raised by two very creative people: my mother, Jaishree Rao, an artist and an accomplished Bharatanatyam dancer; and my father, Varadray Narayan Rao, an International award-winning graphic designer. Seeing how devoted my parents were to their craft inspired me to follow in their footsteps. After I completed my Bachelor’s degree in Communication Design and worked for a bit at Ogilvy Advertising, a study abroad agency in India introduced me to the Savannah College of Art and Design. I wanted to learn about UI/UX Design and it has always been my dream to write a thesis (my contribution to the field of Graphic Design today). I would not have had the privilege to move all the way across the world to the States for my higher studies if my father and mother had not been so supportive of me.

As fine artists themselves, they both always encouraged me to aim higher and pursue my design dreams in the United States, something I have worked towards my whole life. I owe them both so much for helping me realize my dreams — even though it meant sending me halfway around the world! I brought my parents’ lessons in creativity with me to the United States. Here, I was able to combine my passion for storytelling and problem-solving, and my projects were often motivated by real-life events. As an avid Himalayan trekker, I was inspired to create “Mountain Goat,” an app that allows you to search, rate and hire a guide. My app won Gold at the IDA International Design Awards in 2017. During my first year at SCAD, my father was diagnosed with cancer. In 2017, he was gone. I was devastated, and I considered taking time off from school. So soon, in my journey, I was spiraling and ready to quit. But the patience and love from professors and friends kept me grounded. Holly Quarzo, my professor, thesis committee chair, mentor, and someone I’m privileged to call my friend, changed my life with her wisdom, warmth, and lessons in UI/UX. Her classes were exceptional at SCAD and pretty much taught me everything I know about UI/UX…everything I implement daily at my current job! SCAD even gave me a grant that allowed me to finish my degree; my Masters in Fine Arts in Graphic Design and Visual Experience.

For my thesis, I used my father’s life as inspiration and crafted an app called “Looking Up,” that emphasizes the importance of positivity in challenging situations. The initiative takes a holistic view of mental health and gives patients, family members, and caregivers reasons to smile. I wanted to add to the growing conversation on mental health, a very important issue finally gaining attention in recent years. Then, something incredible happened: the Vice President of Product Design at IBM Watson saw my thesis presentation on LinkedIn and called me for an interview. I am now an Associate Product Designer at IBM Watson: The Weather Channel at their Brookhaven office. It is the job I have dreamt of and worked for all my life, and I am enjoying every minute of it! I work on the iOS team working to improve the UI of the Weather Channel app.

I graduated from SCAD on June 1, 2019, as SCAD Excelsus Laureate 2019. It is the highest honor given to only one graduate student who has excelled in academics and co-curricular activities in the entire university. I was awarded this honor during SCAD’s Commencement Ceremony 2019 in recognition of my exceptional achievements.  I spoke during my commencement ceremony at the Georgia World Congress Center in front of an audience of 3000 people. It was the most bittersweet moment of my life and the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. I couldn’t have done it without the support of my parents, my sister Maya, and my love Yohan. It pains me that my father is unable to watch as I graduate from one of the world’s most prestigious design schools or witness the beginning of my promising career at IBM. But I’m confident I will continue to make him proud — and honor his life. If there’s one thing life has taught me, it’s that the darkest nights produce the brightest stars.

Great, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
It has definitely not been a smooth road for me to get where I am today. Graduating from SCAD as Excelsus Laureate 2019 was a dream come true; a dream that was made into a reality after 16 years of education: 2 Associate Degrees, 1 Undergraduate Degree, and 1 Masters Degree spread across two countries. I wish I could’ve told 15-year-old me what magic the future held. I was bullied in high school and my path to success was fraught with numerous naysayers. As a Graphic Designer, it was difficult to be taken seriously in my own country, to be given respect both morally and financially. To add to this attack on my self-confidence, I lost my beloved father (an International award-winning Graphic Designer himself) at the young age of 24 to cancer; a wound that will never heal no matter what good things happen in my life. Speaking on that stage was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. My advice to many people who ask me how I got here is NEVER GIVE UP. And the more people tell you that you cannot do it, put even more effort into proving them wrong. Stay positive, work hard, and show the world what you’re capable of! The rest will follow suit.

Please tell us more about your work, what you are currently focused on and most proud of.
I am currently an Associate Product Designer at IBM Watson: The Weather Channel in Atlanta, Georgia. I work on the Core iOS team to improve the UI of The Weather Channel App. I absolutely love my team and my new job, and I am very grateful that I go to work everyday doing something that I truly love.

Here are some press links of mine:
1. About:
2. Work Reel:
3. Excelsus Laureate Acceptance Speech:
4. IDA Award:
5. Medium Interview:

Is there a characteristic or quality that you feel is essential to success?
I understand the importance of keeping a goal in mind at all times because it makes the journey easier to cope with, in my opinion. Along with a solid goal, hard work and perseverance are my two other ingredients that ensure a sound result. I’m also a very disciplined person, and I believe that discipline is the key to my success in life. Those who know me well can vouch for my strict schedule which I rarely stray from!

Contact Info:

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