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Meet Nicole McCall of United Trafficking Justice in Jacksonville

Today we’d like to introduce you to Nicole McCall.

Nicole, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
As a survivor of Human Trafficking, I’ve made it my life’s purpose to raise awareness by sharing my story of how I made it out of the life of sex trafficking. I was kidnapped along with my two best friends at the ages of 12 and 13 in the state of Florida. We were drugged, raped and sold for sex by our trafficker, (the man who kidnapped us.) These men took our innocence and life was never the same for either of us after that. We managed to escape them and returned home safely. But as you could imagine, we were not the same pre-teen girls any longer. I didn’t receive any of the mental health treatments or support that someone should’ve received after such a traumatic experience and so my behavior showed that.

I was later sent to live in California with my great aunt to have a fresh start and to get my life back on track but that didn’t happen because my great’s aunt husband raped and molested me the entire time I lived with them. I was too afraid to say anything but once I did, she didn’t believe me so she kicked me out of her house. I then fell into the hands of man. This man-made me feel safe and told me he would take me in and take care of me and told me that if I want to stay with him, I would have to learn to walk the streets and make money for him. I was now in survival mode and didn’t see any other options for myself. I felt as though my family had given up on me and I had no one else to turn to. So there I was 15 years old living my pimp.

Fast forward, I had a baby at the age of 17, then later find out that one of my best friends that I was kidnapped with was found murdered in her home. I was completely devastated and knew I had to change my life not only for me but for my daughter. I found myself starting over at the age of 21, alone and in my own apartment, I met my neighbor. This man with a child the same age as mine, we connected, he invited us to church and showed my daughter and I a different side of life. He encouraged me to go back to school. He excepted me for who I was, although he didn’t completely understand my past; he loved me through the transformation. Now ten years later, we are married, with four children and I am earning my Master’s Degree in Christian Counseling. I work as a mental health worker for a non-profit organization that provides services to adults and children that have been commercially sexually exploited. I’m the CSEC Specialists.

I speak at schools and community events, sharing my story to hopefully save others from feeling trapped in the life of sex trafficking and also to prevent it from happening to these children. I train law enforcement on how to identify trafficked victims and to rescue them. I realize now that I didn’t go through what I went through for no reason and made it out. I was saved, to now save others. I used to be ashamed to share my past, but I realize it’s my testimony.

We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
Being a public speaker, speaking about Human Trafficking isn’t the easiest topic to talk about on stage. Most people aren’t even aware of human trafficking and don’t believe it happens here in the United States. California, New York, Florida and Atlanta have the highest numbers in reported human trafficking cases in the United States. My transformation wasn’t easy, “the game” had a mental hold on me. For a long while, I thought “that life” was the only life I was capable of having. It took for me to believe in myself and to know that I deserve to be something more in the world, not just to be sold. I had to go back to school and learn things that people my age already knew. I had many insecurities going to get a real job. But now I am more confident than I have ever been in my life. I am now working on building shelters for survivors of human trafficking. These women need to have a safe place to run to if they have no family. I will be continuing to raise awareness on this issue until it ends Human Trafficking.

Please tell us more about your work, what you are currently focused on and most proud of.
As a CSEC Specialist and Certified Anti Human Trafficking Advocate, I train detectives and other law enforcement on how to identify trafficked victims. I host training for healthcare staff, school faculty and more on this topic. I am very proud of the work that I’ve done over the years, working with victims of trafficking and getting people out of “the game.”

What sets me apart from others is that I’m not afraid to reach back and save others out of a life that I used to be apart of. I used to be ashamed, I used to care what others thought about me speaking out about this issue, but that life is for no one. We can stop it from happening to our children. But we must take a real stand against human trafficking.

I am currently working on and am most proud of creating my online courses. I have created an online program for those interested in being apart of the change and ready to take a real stand against human trafficking. You can earn your certification and become and advocate for human trafficking victims through my online training ‘United Trafficking Justice’. To learn more and enroll in my online course, go to

Has luck played a meaningful role in your life and business?
I don’t believe in “luck.” I believe that passion and consistency will bring success. I am living proof that God can bring you out of the darkness and shine a light so bright on your future that nothing will distract you or keep you from moving forward.

Contact Info:

  • Website:
  • Phone: 323-423-5112
  • Email:
  • Instagram: @iamnicolemccall

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