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Meet Nicole Rivera of Elev8 Soul and Science

Today we’d like to introduce you to Nicole Rivera.

Hi Nicole, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
As many of us do (though most have forgotten), I come from a long lineage of healers – folk healers, Seers, Espiritistas (Spiritists), brujas (witches or wise women), and even nurses. Women who weave in and out of this world and the worlds beyond ours, able to be a vessel of connection with the Divine. In my culture, it was traditionally understood that the qualities of the healer are innate in women and so to be a healer was not uncommon. For us, to be a healer is typically intertwined with the ones who See, and to help others See, is to empower them. So to heal is to empower. And that is the root of my mission. Even in the name of my business, the 8 in “Elev8” actually represents *power.*

I started learning and performing Energy Healing at the age of 11 – intuitively cleansing and balancing the energies of myself and my friends (though at the time, I didn’t know that’s what it was). There had been a short break in the passing of our ancient wisdom in my family, but I believe that my ancestors from beyond the veil guided me back. At 14, my mom gave me my first Tarot card deck, seeing in me the spark of connection that even she herself had forgotten. I dabbled with them, but it wasn’t time for the deep dive yet.

I went to college and studied nursing, still following the thread of the healer but not yet seeing the full tapestry of who I was meant to be. As a nurse, my passion was always to empower my patients – not to coddle or mourn with them, but to show them how to be stronger. To help them see the way back to their power. Eventually, my desire to provide a more holistic means of empowering my patients grew stronger and stronger as I formally studied holistic healing modalities such as Healing Touch, Aromatherapy, Energy Medicine, and Reiki and I simultaneously expanded my consciousness through studying the ancient sciences of Astrology and Numerology while honing my ability to connect with Great Spirit in many ways, including but not limited to the use of the Tarot as a language between myself and the Divine. Finally, I came to the conscious understanding that it was our energy that created our physical conditions, not the other way around. So to attempt to heal a person physically without acknowledging their energetic needs was like trying to work backward to “fix” someone without truly acknowledging what had “broken” them in the first place.

However, there was no room for this paradigm shift in the medical systems in which I worked. So, after years of studying holistic arts – becoming a Board-Certified Holistic Nurse (a specialty in nursing dedicated to holistic health), a Reiki Master and Energy Medicine Practitioner, and an Astrologer, as well as reconnecting with elders who taught me healing practices from my own tradition, I knew that it was time to move beyond the fear and point of paralysis that we, as humans, often find ourselves stuck in. I was tapped in, and Spirit showed me that I was ready, protected, and divinely guided. The era of quiet preparation was ending. It was time for me to begin to offer my services to others.

And so, I did what I never could have dreamed I would end up doing – I started my own business, Elev8 Soul and Science, an Energy Healing, Astrology, and Holistic Wellness center blending ancient traditions (soul) with modern wisdom (science), and our doors opened in July of 2021.

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
The uncertainties of starting a new business are not for the faint of heart. One month you might be flying high, business booming, soaring successfully, and the next month you might feel like you’ve swooped so low that you might crash as the flow slows to a trickle. During those times, it can be easy to fall into the trap of comparison. But the longer I study Astrology and more recently Human Design, the more I have so much peace in understanding that no two people’s journeys will be the same or look the same. We can’t look to what “worked” or seems to work for anyone else because they have a completely different energetic makeup and unique path before them.

The greatest key to a thriving business (and life) is not copying anyone else but learning *your* energy and how to access and utilize the best of you – your unique gifts. If you know that you have birthed a high-quality product or service straight from your heart, then the most rewarding and promising thing you can do is continue to develop your knowledge of self, apply that wisdom to the mechanics of your business, and most importantly – stay the course! As you do this, your business will become more balanced and energetically aligned with you and those highs and lows will start to even out, becoming less sharp. They won’t necessarily go away, but you will be better equipped to handle them and learn from them to keep growing and improving yourself and your craft.

Appreciate you sharing that. What should we know about Elev8 Soul and Science LLC?
Elev8 Soul and Science is an intuitive service dedicated to individual empowerment. As such, I am a claircognizant clairvoyant who specializes in connecting with the Divine to bring each of my clients the exact message they need to hear in that moment. These are not one-size-fits-all Reiki sessions with generic, cliché guidance. I tap into Spirit and channel special messages for each individual. Every session is unique, as are the messages that come through. The sessions are meant to be powerful and transformative, to cut to the root of what you need to see and know to be best supported as you begin or continue your healing and empowerment journey.

Energy readings are included with all Reiki and energy healing sessions. We also offer in-depth Astrology and intuitive Tarot readings. All sessions are powerfully guided by my connection with Spirit and are never just a mundane basic book regurgitation.

And because we aim to empower, we provide our clients with information and tools to continue their empowerment after their session so that they can stay balanced and elevated. Once you are a client, I am your coach, here to be a resource, to motivate, and to encourage you. My clients call, text, and email to ask questions, gain support, and sometimes just to brag about the progress they’re making, and I’m here for all of it!

Can you talk to us a bit about the role of luck?
I don’t believe in luck, I believe in energy. At any given time, so many energies, both from within and beyond ourselves, are combining and layering to create the exact scenarios we find ourselves in. The key is to learn about both our energies and those around us so that we may learn how to best utilize them for our greatest growth and positive outcomes. “Good luck,” in essence, is a mastery of both our energy and universal energies that bring the experiences we want and need. Even an individual who may not seem consciously aware of these energies but is “lucky” has, on some subconscious level, learned how to tap into that which brings them their desired results.

I also believe that everything happens for a reason. “Bad luck” is necessary to shape us and ideally to help us gain wisdom and experience. The same “bad luck” will keep repeating itself until we gain the necessary wisdom required to break out of that cycle.

These are the inherent concepts of karma – not a point reward system, but rather, cycles of understanding that we either repeat or are released from.

So, in my business, I don’t have good or bad luck. I have wisdom, experience, and the understanding of what is and is not beneficial.

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Image Credits
Azu studios

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