Today we’d like to introduce you to Noa Freeman.
Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
I am Noa Freeman, and I am currently 21 years old. I was raised in different parts of Atlanta all my life like Sandy Springs, College Park, Decatur, and now South ATL. I primarily went to High Point Elementary, Ridgeview Charter School, and graduated from Mays High School. My family has always been interested in the arts, including all of my sister as well as my parents. Because my family was so good at music, drawing, and other arts, I decided to pursue that path. I was taught to play the guitar and piano by my father. I also been singing ever since I was a toddler and performed in churches, talent shows, and festivals since 1st grade. This made me have the desire to become a singer/artist! I also found the interest in becoming a music teacher in high school while I was a teacher’s pet for my Choir teacher, Garnetta Penn. She gave me the inspiration to share my talent with others tha desire the same. So now, I am a college student at Georgia State University, getting my degree in Music Education while balancing the life of a young singer/artist!
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
When I first found out I was interested in Music, I thought I wanted to become an artist because my family seen me as that in the future. Once I started to work on becoming one at a young age, I became stressed and depressed for a couple of years because I was nervous of how much people were looking up to me to become a famous artist, and how much work it takes to become one. Mentally, I wasn’t ready to become one when I was in Public school. Instead, I waited until I got to college to give myself time to think, “Do I really want to become an artist, or are you doing it because people want you to?” With that time not working on my artistry, I found out that I loved children and loved teaching them about how fun music can be. I am grateful I took that time to figure out who I wanted to be and still came to the conclusion of wanting to be an artist.
Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
I am currently a Pop/RnB singer/artist. I love different types of music like country, heavy metal, K-pop, and alternative. I am known for having this sweet, angelic voice and bringing uplifting feels to one ear. I am proud to hear that everyone loves how my voice sounds and they actually enjoy listening to what my father and I have created. I believe that most artists are limited to a specific genre, but I believe that I am quite the opposite of that. I want to be able to express and to hop from genre to genre as I please whether it is Alternative to Gospel. I want to be a great influencer to kids everywhere so they can have a better representation of what is wrong and right.
Is there a quality that you most attribute to your success?
My goal in becoming an artist is to not make fortunes, but to let my lessons in my music be heard and to become a great example for the next generation. I want everyone that listens to my music to understand that life is hard for everyone in different ways, and the only way to fight that challenge is to feel, accept, understand, and move on positively from the challenges in your own way. I want everyone that listens to my music to understand that you don’t have to be alone when going through difficult times, my music can be something to guide them into believing in God or anything that they choose to keep their light and positivity alive.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://noasvoice.com
- Instagram: https://instagram.com/noas.voice?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
- Facebook: https://tr.ee/vcPFjyqWLh
- Linkedin: https://linktr.ee/noasvoice
- Youtube: https://tr.ee/vnQzuNdAyh
Image Credits
Instagram – @shotbyuno