Today we’d like to introduce you to Queen Ajna Surah.
Queen Ajna, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
My given name is Rheagan Gilmore. I was raised in a single parent home in the Midwest. Unfortunately, my humble beginnings are like many simply doing their best to find their way. I grew up in poverty, I am an author, mentor and charismatic survivor of the traumas of many years of sexual, spiritual, mental and physical abuse. Fortunately, after trials, terror and several unsuccessful suicides attempts I began to explore the practicality of spirituality guided by a divine energy by the name of Ajna Emün Surah. This name was unveiled to me by a spiritual shaman. Together, we turn pain into power as we triumph over turmoils and tragedies proving that restoration is possible wherever determination resides. I’ve always been a magnet for the wounded, for many years I felt as if I was being punished in front of an audience of my peers. That was, until I began to embrace that inside of me are ancient wisdoms awakened by tragedy and called forth by those who find and share their hardships with me on their personal journeys. My entire life I’ve been utilized by creation as resting place for the souls of the weary, even when I myself had no peace. Once I embraced that my assignment is to heal myself as a testament to encourage others to do the same. I begin to share publicly the lessons I’ve learned from my private detriments and deepest shame. My two amazing suns are avid contributing forces to everything that I do. Many beautiful beings from all around the world began to express their connection to me while testifying how my transparency throughout my healing process has helped them heal themselves. We continued to build and bond together manifesting our community of The Healing Place Dynasty. I dedicate my life to the cause of reminding and confirming to people at the lowest points in their lives that they’re stronger than they think and that they’re not alone. For my community I have not only assisted members with healing emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically but also financially. I have assisted with launching over 10 complete and now successful businesses, I give out monthly grants a minimum of 500 monthly, We have a community relief reserve where I’ve helped pay rent, buy groceries, buy clothing, school supplies, tuition, assist with medical bills, car repairs as well as prevention of several repossessions and evictions. We even have annual community restoration and self-healing events called THP TRANSFORMATIONAL GATHERINGS or “The Healing Place Retreat”. What I’m most proud about is how we have come together on occasions to pay for funeral services for members who are struggling financially and experienced spontaneous loss of loved ones. It’s such an honor to grow, love and evolve with The Healing Place Dynasty. We truly heal the world by healing ourselves and we are just getting started.
We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
Healing publicly, using my life as a case study to inspire other to heal themselves has come with judgement. Honestly, there’s nothing worse than being tried in the court of public opinion when so many are determining how valuable you may or may not be from their personal traumas. Also, learning the angles of entrepreneurship has come with its share of costly troubles. Many people simply don’t do good business and I try my best to leave people with a positive experience after personally or professionally interacting. Also, transparency. I’m an extremely transparent leader and mentor. I have to remind people that I don’t heal anyone. I help them heal themselves. However, when people feel like they’re intimately familiar with you and you show them behind the scenes they often begin to lose respect for your process. It’s starts with them singing your praises and acclamation of what you’ve survived and how you’ve triumphed and then they can flip a coin to discussing their versions of your methods of survival. I’ve learned what people don’t know they make up to fill in the blanks and people have extremely vivid and often morbid imaginations.
We’d love to hear more about your work.
I just help… The Healing Place Dynasty is truly the non judgement zone. I don’t care about your skin color, age and or sexual orientation. I just want to help you realize that you’re powerful and as long as Creation has granted you breath, you have been gifted another opportunity to get it right. Whatsoever “it” may be. The goal is life is to become someone you’re proud of and then multiply yourself until there’s enough overflow of you to share. What I’m most proud of is the fact that I genuinely assist thousands of people globally realize that they’re worthy of the best of themselves. Once they realize this, I encourage them to gift the best to themselves and that’s where we shine. What I’m most proud about is that fact that we do the work of GOD ALMIGHTY in our sacred Healing Place Dynasty… We heal the world by healing ourselves.
What were you like growing up?
I’ve always been very peculiar and that’s alright with me. I have somewhat of a photographic memory and I remember the lyrics to just about any some I’m attentive to listening to. Music has always been my place of solace, my entire life I’ve found sanctuary in song. I enjoy ALL types of music from classical to country to gangsta rap. I’ve always been this way. I like people but even as a young girl I’d keep my distance. I’m no stranger to being violated and hurt. I get really goofy sometimes and others very serious, I’ve always been this way. I’m passionate and compassionate so I’ve been told but my “no nonsense” approach can be mistaken as aggression. I’m a real good time but don’t play with me. I’m not a game, I’m a goddess.
Contact Info:
- Website: AjnasHealingPlace.com
- Email: Thpcustomerservice@gmail.com
- Instagram: https://instagram.com/thehealingplacedynasty?igshid=ofmk6pxynh5i
- Other: https://instagram.com/__ajna?igshid=18yhh6bds85d9
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