We are thrilled to be connecting with Romell Greene again. Romell is a Video Producer and is also a content partner. Content partners help Voyage in so many ways from spreading the word about the work that we do, sponsoring our mission and collaborating with us on content like this. Check out our conversation with Romell below.
Hi Romell, thank you so much for sitting down with us again. For folks who might have missed our initial interview, can you start by briefly introducing yourself?
The name is Romell most people call me just “Ro”, I’m a Video Producer based here in Atlanta. I create videos mostly for brands and individuals to help get their message out there or better sell a product, I also produce a good amount of music videos. I started shooting videos about 4 years ago and before that, I produced and engineered music.
What makes video and video production so important?
It is becoming the new way we communicate events, especially now and going into the future. Video in the broad sense, not just video production has changed the way we see what is happening around the world, a lot like photo-journalism in the 1970s and the Vietnam war but times a thousand, everybody has a video camera and there is a video camera on every corner in some major cities. Things can be re-visited in real time, and change that once took months to materialize can now happen in a matter of seconds with sufficient video proof.
What is the difference between creating a piece of art and creating a piece of content
To keep it short most art has a purpose either to the artist him or herself or to the wider public. The purpose could be political, personal, educational, therapeutic, etc..Art’s purpose is to take you somewhere beyond the present if done right. Think of things we would call a “work of art” they sometimes make us want to go there, be that person, travel back to that time, and so on. Content can be mistaken for art because they are done on the same tools at times such as images, videos, and the spoken and written word, but content is just that content it fills up empty space for the sole purpose of filling it up. Content It usually has no universal message except to the “content creator” and his or her audience take it out of that context it cannot live, as opposed to great art can be enjoyed through all cultures, languages, and peoples.
How has Atlanta influenced your creativity and what you do?
Immensely, we sometimes like to think we are autonomous in the art that we make but we are always influenced by geography,society other people, and so on. I wouldn’t be able to say in what specific way Atlanta has influenced what I do, but traveling around to other cities has made me realize a couple of things. First, everybody wants to be somebody, some may look at this in a negative way, but with the right attitude, it can propel you to want to be someone great yourself.
What are some essential skills a video producer needs?
If you have a good grasp of the technical side I would have to say discerning which projects to say “no” to and which projects can propel your career and or life. So many times we get stuck into just doing “work” that may seem to be beneficial but keep us, especially myself somewhat complacent and not actually working on the craft and the projects that made us want to get into the creative industry in the first place.
Next is knowing why someone wants a video. Outside of a music video, people what video production for many various reasons which may not seem apparent on a first conversation or email. Some may want to show themselves and brand in a different light and others may want to sell a product which are two completely different types of videos, it is our job to know
and know quickly so you don’t end up wasting your time and more importantly anyone elses.
Critical thinking skills help too, whatever can go wrong, break, die, go missing, or just stop working will. knowing where an extra outlet is or filling your pockets up with random mini screwdrivers and batteries may be excessive, but so are mini panic attacks…..
Why is video so important? what role does it play in society besides just nice images?
I think in the last year and a half we’ve seen the importance of not just video as entertainment but as communication. Between Zoom calls, telemedicine, and at-home learning video has encompassed the most important aspects of our lives like we may not have imagined before and I don’t think it’s going anywhere.
My iPhone shoots 4k, why should someone hire or consult with a video producer?
Because your iPhone cant tell a story or produce a video, it may have some of the technical specs of today’s video cameras, but that won’t get you anything more than a nice picture occasionally.
It was so great to reconnect. One last question – how can our readers connect with you, learn more or support you?
My website with all of my work can be found at: https://www.cartel.video/
and my Instagram is @blackkeycartel
If people want to contact me directly Romell@cartel.video is the email.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.cartel.video/
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/romell-greene-620219125/

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