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Meet Sabrina Watts of SKIN Aesthetics Clinique

Today we’d like to introduce you to Sabrina Watts.

Hi Sabrina, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
My story would be like a novel, but I suppose everyone has a story to tell. My journey to where I am now was definitely NOT easy, but getting started was the biggest hurdle for me. 2019 my daughter and I was over in America caring for my father with stage 4 cancer and I was studying and striving to complete ridiculous amounts of training to get completely certified and fully licensed for my field of work I was building up. During my time over there COVID hit hard and my daughter and I got stuck for an entire year, this resulted in delays with my trainings to get completed but on a positive note, I had more quality time with my father and family that I don’t get to see very often. My parents were able to also spend a lot of time with their only grandchild which was so beautiful to me. When my daughter and I finally returned to Australia in December 2020 we spent Christmas in quarantine for 14 days and was released 2 days before New Years. During this time, especially in quarantine was very dark and disheartening with what I was going thru but I kept it strong for my daughter who was only 3 at the time. I decided to take a leap of faith and start from a tiny beauty room I was renting in Jan 2021.

I rented off a treatment room off a close girl friend of mine who owned a cosmetic tattoo studio, unfortunately she recently passed away. I thank her for giving me the push to start, and it was an honour to be a part of her space because while I was away in America, I was searching up beauty rooms availability and there wasn’t much at the time or none that fitted me in terms of location. I miss her everyday and she will always be a part of me. During this time, all I had was my cosmetic tattoo gun and cosmetic ink for my lip blushing to start off with to get cash flow coming in until I could build up products, equipment and machinery for my skin treatments. I honestly did not know where to start and thought this was the biggest risk I could ever take! Fasting forward,  I moved 2 times from treatment room to treatment room. November 2021 – I decided to take a bigger step in my career and opened up my own Skin Clinic. Funny enough to say, my 2nd time moving I was renting a back shop behind the building I now call mine and have fully renovated the entire place. Before all this, I said I would open up my own shop front clinic around 3-4 years. But opening within 1 year of just starting is crazy! December 2021, I decided to rebrand from Muse Sthetix to SKIN Aesthetics Clinique with over 500 clients with a 90% return rate. Again I am grateful. March 2022 – my clinic and I been Voted #1 Skin Specialist in the entire state of South Australia with over 100 skin clinics in the entire state!  In October 2022, I been awarded and recognised as 2nd Runner Up for Best in Skin Transformations in the entire country of Australia. These accomplishments have been an absolute journey and blessing! I am very, very grateful, honestly there are no other words I could possibly say.

I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey have been a fairly smooth road?
I said this before but every successful person travels a painful journey. Suffering is an integral and essential part of any real pursuit of success. Nothing about success comes easy, but every painful story has the potential to have a successful ending. I went from going thru a separation in my marriage which I was completely blinded sided by, caring for my dad who has stage 4 cancer; my dad is my absolute hero and best friend, going thru covid with countless restrictions and lockdowns especially when I was trying to complete all my trainings and studies to get back home to Australia. When I opened up my clinic, I got a lot of support and love but the other half was a lot of fake friends who wanted to watch me burn.  I had been broken into twice in 1 week, with things stolen and damages to the property, I had friends who I thought were friends who were shady and so much more to name, but all of these negative events did not stop me from doing what I love best. On the positive note, I gained strength, knowledge and transparency with everything around me. You just gotta keep your head up and soldier on. Stay consistent in what you do and don’t let your passion fade no matter who tries to dim your light. I have such a supportive circle, my family and close friends that I can count on both hands and my beautiful daughter by my side. I have a beautiful man who came into my life when I wasn’t looking, who has been by my side and who has been nothing but supportive in what I do. He has helped so much with the clinic’s renovations alongside with my tradies/builders but he was always been there every step of the way. Blood, sweat and tears most defiantly have risen up in building a business, building a life, building goals and dreams,  but when its your bread and butter why not and most importantly if its your drive and passion to keep you alive and your FAMILY ON TOP, I say GO FOR IT. There is nothing wrong in being determined with work and building a future not only for your individual self but when you have a family it gives you more purpose to strive harder.

Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know?
We are an advanced cosmetic & medicl skin clinic that is passionate about providing the best medical grade treatment solutions for a variety of skin related concerns. We provide high-quality, results-driven services that are custom made for every client. Our clinic is equipped with selected effective state of the art TGA approved equipment to ensure excellence.  Trained by international aestheticians and dermatologists, our services are backed by research, education, and done with your skin’s unique concerns in mind. We combine service, quality and science to create the ultimate professional experience for our clients. I specialise in medical-grade skin treatments and cosmetic lip blush tattoo. I focus more solely on SKIN and with my Private Training Classes on Lip Blush Tattoo. I address many different skin conditions such as acne, pigmentation, scarring, and many more. I love working with different skin conditions that challenge me in my career, the results and hearing my clients say they are confident enough to go without makeup make it all worth it! Which is why I do not view skin treatments and skincare products as a luxury or selfish/pampering; kind of thing. Everyone deserves access and help to achieve clear skin. I hustle every day to make these things available to anyone that I can. This is what makes my job and passion so rewarding and why I started in the first place. When you see these types of transformations, please know that you don’t see what happens behind the scenes. My clients go through flare-ups and have to 100% commit to trusting the process when it comes to managing their acne or any skin conditions they are going thru. The process is NOT instant and it’s NOT overnight! This is why TRUST is so important between the client and their skin specialist. My clients who are willing to try different things when something may not be working take my treatment recommendations and commit to what I tell them to do at home with lifestyle changes, etc.

I offer a variety of medical-grade treatments such as microneedling, nano infusion, chemical peels, fractional,  fractional tightening, fibroblast skin tightening, extractions, milia removal, and the list goes on. It all comes down to technique. Anyone can have machinery and modalities and go for the most expensive skincare line or equipment  in the market but the truth is, technique and knowledge is what’s going to set you apart from others.

I also have two beautiful and talented women on my team. Our Nurse Injector Vanessa who specialises in all cosmetic injectables and our In-Clinic Hair Salon is managed by our Hair Expert Safa. These ladies are incredibly talented and skilful at what they do. They are both extremely hard working and passionate with what they do which I absolutely respect.  Most importantly they have held it down from the start up to now and I am incredibly grateful for their loyalty, trust and friendship. We are able to mold, grow and strive together. 

I honestly can’t wait for what the future brings us, the only way is up, up, up and remaining humble with whatever blessings and accomplishments that come our way.

Can you talk to us a bit about the role of luck?
All I can say is that no matter what the circumstance, a person who has proven themselves to be successful believes they create their own luck. Yes, they were in the right place at the right time, but they put themselves in that place and said yes to the opportunity before that put them in that right place. To be successful, lucky or not you’ll still do the hard work and leverage your circumstances as much as possible. And if bad luck comes your way, it’s up to you how you take it. If you see it as an omen that you are on the wrong path or punishment for trying something new, then you are probably going to shrink back to limited thinking patterns and create less opportunity for yourself. If you are able to take a “bad experience” on board as a life lesson or the circumstances required to gain eventual success, then you open up even more possibilities in all areas of your life.

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Image Credits
(Hair Image) By Our Hair Expert Safa (Tummy Before & After) Fat Dissolving & Fractional Tightening Combination by our nurse injector Vanessa and Sabrina Watts

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