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Meet Shea Pegues of IDAP-Solutions in Chamblee

Today we’d like to introduce you to Shea Pegues.

So, before we jump into specific questions about the business, why don’t you give us some details about you and your story.
I move to Atlanta in ’08 to pursue the sale of a medical invention I had created. Soon after I arrived, the housing market crashed causing a domino effect. Two of the big three automobile companies went bankrupt. One of which I worked for. I worked as a product specialist for Chrysler and happened upon a printing and textile convention and that peaked my interest in the printing world. My first machine I owned was a DTG (direct to garment) printing machine that I operated in the basement of my house for a year. I later decided to rent a small space of 1000 sf. 2.5 years later double the size of my operation and 2.5 years after that I have grown to 6000 sf. 360 printing, Wide digital format, apparel, promo items, and signage. Building a team of individuals who using my platform to springboard to their own business interest with Idapsolutions as the nucleus.

Overall, has it been relatively smooth? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?
This road has been anything but smoothing. I started from scratch with really little to no knowledge about the printing industry other than heat press transfers. Learning the process of printing in all aspects was a huge challenge. There are not really many women who own printing business solely let alone black women so you could imagine how you are received in a certain situation. The major struggle I have is just having the energy from day to day to keep up. There are so many hats you have to wear and it can be exhausting at times. I have had several burnouts where I wanted to throw in the towel.

Alright – so let’s talk business. Tell us about IDAP-Solutions – what should we know?
IDAP-Solutions is a 360 printing company that specializes in all your printing needs from banners apparel to promotional items for personal and business. I’m most proud of my reputation that we get it done and we are a personable company we encourage people to follow their dreams and we share in information on how to grow your own business. What sets us apart that our company feels familiar and you want to be a part of our growth.

Any shoutouts? Who else deserves credit in this story – who has played a meaningful role?
I have an entire tribe of mentors and supporters but my Mother Eddie Pegues & Father Earl Pegues is just completely invested encouraging me along the way. Gwen Harvy sparked my interest an took me into her shop got the ball rolling. Tim Rowe, Phil & Mr. Walter Dawson gave me a crash course on actually getting my hands dirty with ink and how to price and run the business. My son Sheason has been my motivation to keep going and a team that is amazing My friend O (Oneka Lyes) Dbrown, Learical Jonez and Trena. Especially all my customers and friends who have referred my business and my friends who have businesses like Unique Elements, Onesound Ent who listen to me whine, cry and complain non stop.

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Getting in touch: VoyageATL is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.

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